AppAware Verification Failed - Alerts

AppAware Verification Failed - Alerts

KB ID: 104058
This Knowledge Base article addresses the AppAware alerts related to error code 104058. These alerts indicate issues with application-aware processing during backup operations. Each alert is associated with a specific problem and its corresponding solution.
Alerts and Solutions:
1. Alert: Backup Failure due to Invalid Guest VM Credentials
 Problem: Backup process fails because of incorrect guest VM credentials.
 Solution: Verify and update the guest VM credentials to ensure successful backup.
2. Alert: Problem Fetching VM IP Address or Analyzing Application-Aware Writer Status
Problem: Issues encountered while retrieving the VM's IP address or analyzing the status of the Application-Aware Writer.
Solution: Troubleshoot and resolve problems related to fetching IP addresses or analyzing the Application-Aware Writer status to enable successful backup.
3. Alert: Backup Failure due to Unstable State of Guest VM Writers
Problem: Backup process fails due to the unstable state of guest VM writers.
Solution: Address the instability of guest VM writers to achieve a stable state and ensure successful backups.
4. Alert: Incompatibility with Current Version of Hyper-V Integration Service
Problem: Unable to process guest VMs due to incompatibility with the current version of Hyper-V Integration Service.
Solution: Upgrade the Hyper-V Integration Service to a compatible version to enable proper processing of guest VMs.
These alerts provide insights into various issues related to application-aware processing during backup and offer solutions to address them effectively.

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