Where can I watch BDRSuite Demos?
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Where can I watch BDRSuite Webinars?
You can watch the recorded BDRSuite webinars on our website page linked here: BDRSuite Webinars or visit our youtube channel
Backup aborted
KB ID: 101005 Product: BDRSuite Backup Server Cause This will occur due to the following reasons: Backup configuration stored in the server and client is incompatible. When the Backup storage location is inaccessible to the backup server. If you ...
Getting Started with BDRSuite
The BDRSuite Getting Started Guide provides a comprehensive walkthrough of the entire backup and recovery setup process. Covering all BDRSuite modules, this guide helps users configure, manage, and optimize their data protection environment. It ...
Does BDRSuite support Bare-metal Recovery (BMR)?
Yes, BDRSuite supports bare metal recovery that enables you to restore the entire backed up Windows machine to a new or existing hardware from the scratch. For a detailed information, watch the BDRSuite Demo video on Bare-Metal Recovery.
Troubleshooting: Service Running Without Required Privileges in BDRSuite Backup Server / BDRSuite Remote Proxy / BDRSuite Agent
KB ID: 117000 Cause The alert "The service is running in the logon account that does not have the required privileges" occurs when the BDRSuite Backup Server / BDRSuite Remote Proxy / BDRSuite Agent does not have administrator privileges. This ...