What are the recovery options available in BDRSuite to restore an Hyper-V VM?

What are the recovery options available in BDRSuite to restore an Hyper-V VM?

  1. Instant Boot VM - Instantly restore the entire Hyper-V VM in less than 15 minutes on any hypervisor - Hyper-V, VMware, KVM irrespective of its source.
  2. Full VM Recovery - Restore the backed up HYper-V VM to the same or different Hyper V host.
  3. Disk Mount - Instantly mount and access the files/folders of the backup disk.
  4. Download VMs/Disks - Download backup data into any virtual formats - VHD, VMDK, VHDX, Flat-VMDK, and RAW, which can be later used for migration.
  5. File Level Recovery   - Restore individual files/folders from the backup without restoring the entire machine.
  6. Recovery to Microsoft Azure - Restore the on-premise Hyper-V VM as an Azure VM.
  7. Application-item recovery - Granular item level recovery of Microsoft applications - Exchange Server, SQL Server, Active Directory and SharePoint from the backup.