Uninstalling BDRSuite Backup Server on Windows

Uninstalling BDRSuite Backup Server on Windows

For clean uninstallation of BDRSuite Backup Server in Windows machines, follow the below steps:
  1. From the Control Panel go to the Programs and Features option, right-click on BDRSuite and select the Uninstall option to proceed with the clean uninstallation process.
  2. In the pop-up window which alerts you that you are proceeding with the uninstallation process, click Yes.
  3. You can witness BDRSuite Backup Server being uninstalled from your machine.
  4. Uninstallation is completed successfully but a few elements that are associated with BDRSuite Backup Server will be removed only if you reboot your machine. Click Yes to reboot the machine or No to manually restart later.

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