Prerequisites to Manually install BDRSuite Backup Agent (BBA) on Microsoft Windows

Prerequisites to Manually install BDRSuite Backup Agent (BBA) on Microsoft Windows

BDRSuite Backup Agent (BBA) runs with the service name – BDRSuite Delegation Service (BDS) is a mandatory component for backup operations and is installed on the target Endpoint (Windows).
When adding Endpoints (Windows) to the BDRSuite Server, you will have two options to install BBA. You can automatically Install BBA in the target Endpoint through Server (or) You can download and manually install BBA in the Target Endpoint.
The steps below are applicable in the following cases:
  1. If you add the Windows Endpoint using the option: I will manually Download BBA and install it on the target host
  2. If adding the Windows Endpoint has failed through the option: Automatically Install BBA in the target host.

Steps to Add Endpoints (Windows using the option: Download and Manually Install BBA on the target host:

Step 1: Under the main Tab: Endpoints, navigate to the menu: Data Sources -> Add Microsoft Windows.
Step 2: Add Manually Option: Enter the target Endpoint’s Name/IP Address and Credential and save to the BDRSuite Backup Server.
Step 3: Install BDRSuite Backup Agent (BBA) on each of the target endpoints which runs as a Service with the name BDRSuite Delegation Service.

Steps to Download and Install BBA on Windows Endpoints

  1. Download the BBA installer.
  2. Open Command Prompt and run the below command (from the location where BBA is installed) to connect BBA to the backup server. Ensure you provide the backup server’s IP address/DNS name.
QuoteInfomsiexec /i BDRSuite_Delegation_Service_5_3_0_0.msi /qn ISENDPOINTENABLED="1" BACKUPSERVERINFO="{Enter BDRSuite Backup Server IP Address/DNS Name}" BUILDTYPE="14"

Establishing Connection between the target Endpoint and BDRSuite Server:

BBA installed on each target endpoint will automatically connect to the backup server.
  1. If the BBA on the target Endpoint is successfully connected to the BDRSuite Server, then the status will be shown as ‘Idle’.
  2. If the target Endpoint is not connected, then the status will be shown as ‘BBA Not Connected’. In this case, ensure the following on the target Endpoint:
    1. Make sure BDRSuite Backup Agent(BBA) (runs with service name:BDRSuite Delegation Service) is installed.
    2. Make sure the ‘BDRSuite Delegation Service’ status is running.
  3. BBA installed on the target Endpoint uses port 42005 to communicate with the BDRSuite Server. To check whether the port is open for communication between the Endpoint and BDRSuite Server, open Command Prompt on the Endpoint and execute the following command.
    1. Quote
      telnet [BDRSuite Server IP Address/DNS Name] [port]
    2. If the port is not accessible, it can be due to the firewall settings. Make sure your firewall rules allow port 42005 to be open for communication.
  4. If the connection to the target Endpoint has still not been established, please check the logs on the location below for more information. The errors you may encounter in the logs while adding Endpoints are listed below along with the solutions.
Target Endpoint:
Windows Log Location: <installation location>\Vembu\VembuIntegrationService\log\server.log Example: C:\Program Files\Vembu\VembuIntegrationService\log\server.log Linux Log Location:<installationlocation>/vembuintegrationservice/Vembu/VembuIntegrationService/log/server.log Example: /home/vembuintegrationservice/Vembu/VembuIntegrationService/log/server.log
BDRSuite Server:
Windows Log Location: <installation location>\Vembu\VembuBDR\log\server.log Example: C:\Program Files\Vembu\VembuBDR\log\server.log Linux Log Location: /<installation location>/vembubdr/Vembu/VembuBDR/log/server.log Example: /home/vembubdr/Vembu/VembuBDR/log/server.log

How to resolve the issues you run into when adding Endpoints:

  1. Error 117073: Unable to find the Endpoint – {Hostname/IP}. Make sure the Endpoint is added to the BDRSuite Server. — To resolve this issue, make sure you add the Endpoints details and save them on the backup server under the Data Sources menu
  2. Error 117074: Unable to connect to the BDRSuite Server. Make sure the BDRSuite Server is up and running. — To resolve this issue, make sure you have specified the valid backup server IP address/DNS name and BDRSuite service is up and running.
  3. Error 117076: BDRSuite Server isn’t compatible with the BDRSuite Delegation Service (BDS) version running on the target host. Make sure the BDS runs the same or lower version than BDRSuite Server. — To resolve this issue, ensure the BDRSuite Delegation Service runs on the same or lower version than the BDRSuite Server.
  4. Error 117072: Unable to register the target host as another host with the same BIOS UUID added already. Hosts with unique BIOS UUID can only be added/registered to the BDRSuite Server. — You can only add Endpoints that have unique BIOS UUID.
  5. Error 117011: Unsupported Operating System for backup. — Check the supported OS here.
If the target Endpoint still didn’t establish connection to the BDRSuite Server, please contact our support team through