NAS Backup Reports

NAS Backup Reports

The backup and recovery can be easily monitored using the different variety of reports generated by the BDRSuite Backup Server. The success, failure, and warnings with in-depth details of the root cause are presented for efficient troubleshooting. You can set up email notifications to get all these reports directly to your mail.


Machine (Host/VM) Level Overview

The dashboard for backup of Hosts/VMs shows the daily status of all the physical and virtual machines backing up to this backup server. The report highlights the latest schedule status for each day.

Backup Job Level Overview

The dashboard for backup jobs shows the daily status of all the backup jobs backing up to this backup server. The report highlights the latest schedule status for each day.

Backup Copy Job Level Overview

The dashboard for backup copy jobs shows the daily status of all the backup copy jobs configured from this backup server. The report highlights the latest schedule status for each day.

2. Backup Job

Machines (Host/VM) Level View

The dashboard for backup of Hosts/VMs shows the daily status of all the physical and virtual machines backing up to this backup server. The report highlights the latest schedule status for each day.

Backup Job Level View

The dashboard for backup jobs shows the daily status of all the backup jobs backing up to this backup server. The report highlights the latest schedule status for each day.

Missed Backup Schedules

Missed schedules may be attributed to various factors, including instances where the host is inaccessible, essential services are not running, or there is an ongoing backup operation. These scenarios can impact the system’s ability to execute scheduled tasks as intended. In any such scenario BDRSuite Backup Server will generate a Missed Backup Schedule report.
The Missed Backup Schedule report contains details of jobs that did not run at the scheduled time.
The generation of missed reports in the BDRSuite Backup Server occurs 24 hours after the event(missed schedule). Users have the option to modify this timeframe by adjusting the corresponding value in the “sgconfiguration.conf” file.
In simpler terms, if you want the BDRSuite to generate missed reports sooner or later than the default 24-hour timeframe, you can customize. This feature will provide you the flexibility to align the reporting schedule with your specific needs or preferences.

Retention (VM/Disk Image Backup)

The Backup Data Retention report contains the details of the restore points based on the retention policy configured for each backup job.

Retention (File & Folders Backup) 

Deleted Backup Jobs

Deleted Machines (Host/VM)

3. Backup Copy Jobs

Backup Job Level View

Retention (VM/Disk Image Backup)

Deleted Backup Copy Jobs

Deleted Machines (Host/VM)

4. Data Recovery

Full VM Recovery

Disk Mount

Download Disk

Disk Level Recovery (VMware Backup)

Disk/Partition Recovery

File Level Recovery (VM & Disk Image Backup)

File Level Recovery (Files & Folders Backup)

5. Offsite copy/DR

6. Data Integrity

7. Email Notification

8. ConnectWise Ticketing

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