How to configure Backup Settings?

How to configure Backup Settings?

In BDRSuite, 'Configure Backup Settings' allows you to customize key parameters for your backup which are as follows. 

Concurrent Backups

BDRSuite processes multiple backup tasks concurrently. Users can configure the maximum number of concurrent tasks the backup server can process from this page. The default limits are 10 for tasks per Backup Server and 2 for tasks per Backup Job.  However you can choose the limits ranging between 1 – 999 for tasks per Backup Server and 1-99 for tasks per backup job.
Using the BDRSuite Backup Server, users have the ability to establish a limit for concurrent backups for all backups configured for their virtual machines on VMware & Hyper-V, as well as Windows Servers and Windows & Linux Endpoints.
The two options are as follows;

Maximum number of concurrent backup tasks in the backup server

Specify the maximum number of backup tasks the backup server can process concurrently. Note that the maximum numbers must be decide based on the resources available like the CPU, RAM, etc used for the backup server.

Maximum number of concurrent tasks per backup job

Specify the number of tasks each backup job can process concurrently.

Data Compression Level

Data compression levels can be used to configure the compression ratio. Higher the compression level, the more time it will take to compress the data.
Note: The compression ratio would differ based on the backup type. When backing up machines that only have files and folders, you may expect a compression ratio of 60 to 70%. If you have machines running Exchange, SQL, etc., you may expect a compression ratio of 50-60%. On average, you should notice a compression ratio of at least 50%.
For example, if you set the compression level to ‘Low,’ you’ll obtain about a 50% storage reduction. You will get an extra 5% storage reduction if you set it to ‘Optimal,’ and a 10% storage reduction if you set it to ‘High.’ This is a rough estimate based on our test results. The compression ratio would differ for each customer based on the data type.
The higher the compression level, the longer the backup will take to finish. To achieve a better compression ratio and at the same time for better backup performance, we recommend maintaining the settings at the ‘Optimal’ level.
You can click on Edit and choose to modify the levels and update. The levels can be chosen from being high, optimal, and low.

Backup Window

You can configure backup settings by navigating through Backup-> Configure Backup Settings->Backup Window
Configure a time interval during which the backups should not run. All the backup jobs running at the beginning of the backup window will be suspended and the backups will be resumed after the window period ends. Click on the Edit button to enable the Backup Schedule settings
Enter the time in between backups that should not run, and also select the days according to your preference. Once entering the backup schedule settings click on the Update button. Click on OK Proceed to save the settings.

Bandwidth Throttling

Bandwidth Throttling can be used to allocate the bandwidth limit for your backup jobs. You can click on Edit and Enable the Bandwidth Throttling.  You can also choose to disable the Bandwidth Throttling during the weekend if necessary. The speed at which the bandwidth should be throttled can be entered according to your allotment.

Backup Data Integrity

BDRSuite Backup Server can perform regular health checkups for your backup data. In the machine where the BDRSuite Backup Server is installed, the following conditions are to be met;
  1. The Hyper-V role must be enabled in the Windows machine where the BDRSuite Backup Server is installed.
  2. The KVM must be installed in the Linux machine where the BDRSuite Backup Server is installed.
  3. You need to have a ESXi/vCenter Server.
If you cannot meet any of the first two conditions then you can use the ESXi/vCenter Server (Local & Remote) and enable the data integrity feature.
Once you enable the Data Integrity option the system will run mount check, boot check and heartbeat check on the last successful incremental of your backup data in a sequence. 
This verification is carried out for every 24 hours/1 Day (This default value can be modified by the user). The verified status result will be downloaded to the local repository and shared to the user in the screen shot representation of the boot screen.
Integrity Check is performed only for VM/VM Template/Image-based backup jobs. Refer this KB-115079 for detailed requirements to perform Integrity Check.

Mount Check

This verifies the mount status of your backup data, by auto-mounting each backed up disk to disk management and updates the result.
Mount Check is applicable only for Windows servers. Mount check will fail for Non Windows OS Disk and Dynamic Disk.

Boot Check

This verifies the boot status of your backup data by auto-booting backed up data in Hyper-V Manager(On Windows Server) or KVM(On Linux Server) or VMware ESXi/vCenter server and updates the result.
Note: The boot check is applicable only for backups containing OS partitions.

Target Hypervisor


If you want to use VMware ESXi/vCenter Server to enable the BDRSuite Backup Server to perform the boot check then you can choose VMware to be your target hypervisor. It is recommended to use ESXi Server rather than the vCenter Server. Adding and using the vCenter server for data integrity will lead to NFS Datastore issue.
Target ESXi/vCenter : Select/add the ESXi/vCenter server.
Target Datastore : Choose the target datastore.


If you want to use Hyper -V role enabled in the machine running BDRSuite Backup Server to enable it perform the boot check then you can choose Hyper-V to be your target hypervisor.
If you choose Hyper -V then make sure the Hyper – V role is enabled on the BDRSuite Backup Server machine to perform the boot check. Remote Hyper – V host is not supported for boot check.

Target Host/Server

 The IP address of the BDRSuite Backup Server machine will be by default taken.

RAM Size

The value defines the RAM size to be allocated for the VM created during boot check.

Boot Check Timeout

The value defines the timeout period to check the Boot Status of a backup job.
If the backed up VMware VM contains VMware tools and the boot status of the VMware VM is a success, screenshot will be taken immediately. Where as for VMware VM (without VMware tools installed), Hyper-V VMs and Windows Servers the screen shot will be taken as per the Boot Check Timeout’s value(which can range between 5 mins – 60 mins).

Integrity Check Frequency

The value defines the time interval between consecutive Integrity Check operations.
Once you have it updated, as per the frequency chosen, the integrity check will be done for your VM/Image level backups and the screen shot of the boot screen can be found in the Data Integrity Reports section. If you have enabled email notifications then you will receive the same to your email as well.

Advanced Settings

1. Backup Server DNS Name/IP Address

You can provide the BDRSuite Backup Server’s DNS name or the IP Address which has to be used by the entities in order to connect to the backup server. This is highly recommended to configure this particular settings if the BDRSuite Backup Server has a dedicated network for backups with multiple IP Addresses.
This settings will be very useful if you want to backup remote entities and if your BDRSuite Backup Server does not have a public DNS name/IP Address.
Enter the DNS Name or the IP Address in the given space.Note: This option will not be available for Endpoint Backups.
When a VMware VM is backed up for the very first time using the BDRSuite Backup Server, by default the  CBT (Changed Block Tracking) is reset.  The BDRSuite resets the CBT only for a full backup schedule.
Option to either keep the VMware CBT enabled or disable
The VMware CBT Reset can be disabled in a scenario where another third party application also uses the CBT.  If the CBT is not used by any other application, then the setting can be left enabled.
In simpler words, if VMware CBT Reset is enabled, then the CBT will be reset when a VM is backed up or replicated for the first time using the BDRSuite Backup Server. If the VMware CBT Reset is disabled then the CBT will not be reset when a VM is backed up or replicated for the first time using BDRSuite Backup Server.
Note: The VMware CBT Reset is applicable only for ESXi v4.0 & newer and the VM’s Virtual Hardware v7.0 & newer.
Navigate to the Backup -> Configure Backup Settings -> Advanced Settings in the BDRSuite Backup Server to set up the VMware CBT Reset.
Click on the Edit button, choose the required settings and update. On the pop-up box, confirm by giving Yes, Proceed to make the chosen option effective.
These settings ensure that your backups are optimized for data protection and quick recovery.

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