How does BDRSuite back up AWS EC2 instances?
BDRSuite for AWS performs backup and restores for AWS EC2 instances by launching a BDR Backup Server instance in your AWS Account using the CloudFormation template. This allows you to backup the instances running in the same account or in any other AWS Account.
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Can BDRSuite perform agentless backups for AWS EC2 instances?
Yes, BDRSuite leverages Amazon APIs to perform agentless backups and restores for AWS EC2 instances. This eliminates the need for installing agents on the target instances.
Can I recover backed-up instances to a different AWS region?
BDRSuite will soon support cross-region recovery, allowing you to recover backed-up EC2 instances to the same or different AWS regions for disaster recovery purposes.
AWS Reports
Here are the various reports available for AWS Backup and Recovery; Backup Jobs Recent Backup Job Schedule The recent backup jobs schedule report contains details of the latest schedule of all the backup jobs. The report also contains the historical ...
How does BDRSuite handle AWS backups?
BDRSuite performs AWS backups by offering agentless protection for AWS EC2 instances, allowing users to schedule automated backups, perform full and incremental backups, and restore data quickly when needed, ensuring seamless recovery, data ...
What is AWS Backup in BDRSuite?
BDRSuite for AWS is a comprehensive and cost-effective backup and disaster recovery solution for Amazon Web Services (AWS) EC2 instances. BDRSuite offers features such as agentless backups, versioning, archiving, retention, and recovery services to ...