Email Notifications for Offsite DR Reports

Email Notifications for Offsite DR Reports

Email Notifications lets you set the SMTP server and configure an E-Mail address to which backup reports can be mailed periodically. Options to configure sending various reports to different Email addresses are available.

Step 1: Configure SMTP settings

In the Offsite DR Server, Navigate to the 'Management -> Settings -> SMTP .
  1. Provide SMTP server details and the server port number.
  2. Provide authentication credentials, if the SMTP server requires one.
  3. You have options to choose the authentication type and SMTP secure protocol.
  4. Once done providing SMTP server details, you can test by sending a test mail and verify it is working successfully.
  5. Clicking on the Enable Authentication checkbox will further require the following details;
    1. Username
    2. Password (Generate an App password and enter here in this field.
    3. Authentication type
    4. Protocol type
Note: Generic password of the Gmail (Entered in the username field) will not work here. So, make sure to create an App Password and enter the same in the password field. Click here to learn more about App Password for Gmail

Step 2: Configure Email Notification 

In the Offsite DR Server, Navigate to the 'Reports-> Email Notifications.
Enable the Email Notification settings to begin the configuration.

Email Notification Recipients

You can configure email settings to receive updates and alerts through;
  1. Use Same Email ID : You can configure a single email ID to receive all success and failure updates for various reports.
  2. Use a different Email ID : You can configure multiple email IDs to receive the success and failure updates for various reports.
Click Save to save the Email Configurations.

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