Deploy BDRSuite Backup Server on a Docker Container

Deploy BDRSuite Backup Server on a Docker Container

In this section, we will outline the procedure for installing the BDRSuite Backup Server within a Docker container, providing a detailed walkthrough of the installation process and limitations if any.

Before you begin

Make sure that you have already installed Docker on your host machine; if not refer to the steps in Installing Docker on Ubuntu. We have tested the BDRSuite Backup Server container on the docker service installed on Ubuntu OS 20.04 host machine.
By continuing further, you agree to the END USER LICENSE AGREEMENT of Vembu Technologies for using the BDRSuite Backup Server container in your environment.

Installation Steps

The following steps are based on the Docker engine running on Ubuntu 20.04 OS, you can try the same for any other 64-bit operating system version of Ubuntu.
Note: Always use docker commands with sudo or run in root user.

Step 1

BDRSuite Backup Server and its backend database are officially available on the Docker Hub; pull those images using the following commands:
To pull Application container image:[Ubuntu v20.04]
docker pull vembubdr/bdr-latest:latest
To pull Database container image:[PSQL v10.13]
docker pull vembubdr/bdr-latest:psql-latest-new

Step 2

Note down the IMAGE ID of both application and database containers after running the following commands:
docker images vembubdr/bdr-latest:latest
docker images vembubdr/bdr-latest:psql-latest-new
Example:  9b9bde8b8940 [for BDR Server], bd34fb12cf53 [for PSQL]

Step 3

Create a user-defined network, to avail the automatic service discovery, this will allow the containers to communicate using its name.
docker network create –subnet= vembu-network

Step 4

To check whether the vembu-network is created or not, run the following list command.
docker network ls 

Step 5

Run the Database container, by invoking the below command.
docker run –name VembuDatabase –network vembu-network –ip -p 5432:5432 -d -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=admin -e POSTGRES_USER=postgres -e POSTGRES_DB=SGDatabase -v <Host_Volume_Path>:<Container_Volume_Path> <PSQL Image ID>
Example: docker run –name VembuDatabase  –network vembu-network –ip -p 5432:5432 -d -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=admin -e POSTGRES_USER=postgres -e POSTGRES_DB=SGDatabase -v pgdata:/var/lib/postgresql/data bd34fb12cf53

Step 6

To check whether the container is started or not, run the following list command.
docker container ls

Step 7

If you are using a different IP for the database container. Confirm the assigned IP by executing the following command and also the IP for future use.
docker inspect VembuDatabase | grep “IPAddress”

Step 8

Run the VembuBDR container, by invoking the below command
docker run –name <VembuBDR550> –network vembu-network -ip  –add-host  VembuDatabase:<DATABASE_IP_ADDRESS> –privileged=true -i -t -d –device /dev/fuse –privileged -p 6060:6060 -p 32004:32004 -v /<Host_Volume_Path>:<Container_Volume_Path> <BDR Server Image ID>
Example: docker run –name VembuBDR550 –network vembu-network –ip  –add-host  VembuDatabase: –privileged=true -i -t -d –device /dev/fuse –privileged -p 6060:6060 -p 32004:32004 -v /home/vembu/vembu:/vembu 9b9bde8b8940

Step 9

Connect the BDR Server container, by using the following command.
docker attach VembuBDR550

Step 10

Now start the BDRSuite Backup Server application using the below command.
/etc/init.d/vembubdr start
/etc/init.d/vembuoffice365service start
/etc/init.d/vembugsuiteservice start

Step 11

Access your BDRSuite Backup Server web console by entering the following address in the web browser address bar.
After successful installation, you can log in using the default ‘username’ as admin and ‘password’ as admin.


  1. Backup for AWS is not supported in the docker build of BDRSuite.
  2. Tape Backup option is not supported for docker build.
  3. Instant Boot VM and Disk-mount restore options are not supported.
  4. Application item -level recovery is not supported for image-level backups in docker build.
  5. Restore to Microsoft Azure feature is not supported for docker  build.
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