Creating Tenants

Creating Tenants

In the BDRSuite Backup Server you can create multiple tenants or user accounts. These tenants allow for segregation of backup data and resources, providing separate environments for different users or groups. Each tenant has its own set of permissions, configurations, and access controls, ensuring data isolation and security. By organizing tenants within the BDRSuite Backup Server, administrators can efficiently manage and allocate resources based on specific user needs and requirements.
The Multi tenancy is a feature in the BDRSuite Backup Server for managing collective BDR tasks between various users by providing privileges as per requirement. This feature enables users to assign multiple BDR roles, provide multiple accesses considering privileges, contributing to effective resource utilization and improved performance.
In the BDRSuite Backup Server navigate to 'Tenants'.

Create Tenants

Create Tenants by combining the different entities (Hosts/VMs/Servers/Workstations/Organizations/Accounts) added to the backup server and add users for each Tenant. You can also edit, view and manage the Tenants associated with this backup server from here.
Tenant Creation – Basic Tenant Details
Create a tenant with a suitable Name, Email, Restore location and other contact information.

1. Entity Type

Select one or more entity types and add the entities within it to the Tenant.

2. Entity Selection

All the Entity types selected in the previous menu is available and clicking on the Add Entities of the respective  type will lead you to Entity selection.
Add Entities : Clicking on this tab will open the following menu where the entities can be chosen. In this case VMware Entity type is chosen and selecting of entities is shown as follows;
Host Name : Select the host that you want to add
Choose VMs : You can either choose all the VMs or just the specific VMs
The specific VMs will be listed as follows from which you can make the selection. The added entities will be listed. Clicking on the respective icons of the Actions tab  will enable you to perform the specific edit and delete operation.

3. User Access

The added entities can be  given access to the user set up that will be done in this step.
Enable :  You need to enable User Access to add users to the tenant and define privilege for each user to access the server.
Note: If disabled, new users cannot be added, and also existing users cannot access the server.
Add User : Click on the Add User, Choose either BDR User or AD/LDAP User. If you want to use the AD/LDAP User then make sure you have already added one. You can do the same by following the steps mentioned below;
Enter the required details and click on the add user.
The added user will be listed. Clicking on the respective action tab of  editing password or removing user can be done to perform the specific operation.

4. Review

Review the tenant configuration and save. Confirm and proceed.

Tenant Preview

This option will let you preview the different tenants you have created.
  1. You can choose a Tenant to preview tenant’s access to your BDR Backup Server.
  2. You can click on Preview Tenant Access which will turn the BDRSuite Backup Server into the UI which the respective user can see. According the given privilege to a particular user, you can view.
  3. You can click on the Exit tenant preview icon on the top right hand corner to bring back the BDRSuite Backup Server to normal admin user mode.
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