Configuring Amazon S3 as Backup Repository

Configuring Amazon S3 as Backup Repository

BDRSuite offers support for storing backup data on an Amazon S3 bucket, utilizing it as an object storage type repository. With this configuration, users have the option to choose Amazon S3 as their backup repository. Amazon S3, a widely-used object storage service, stores data as objects within designated buckets. Each object represents a file and includes metadata that describes the file. 
When backing up data using BDRSuite Backup Server, it is divided into smaller chunks. These chunks are temporarily stored in a cache location, which users need to specify during the configuration of an object storage repository. This caching mechanism ensures efficient and optimized data transfer to the Amazon S3 bucket, enhancing the backup process within BDRSuite.
Note: This cache location should be a locally available drive.
BDRSuite will recognize the repository type using the global repo ID. While the backup job is progressing all the chunks from the cache location will be uploaded to the Amazon S3 storage. Once the upload is complete, the locally stored chunks in the cache will be removed. Ultimately having the back up data stored as objects on the Amazon S3 storage.
Note: If the primary backup job is stored in any of the object storage repositories then Offsite Copy/DR and Backup Copy for those backup jobs is not supported(Neither Block nor Object storage repository). But if the primary backup job is chosen to be stored on a block storage repository then Offsite Copy/DR and Backup Copy for those backup jobs is supported (Can be stored on either Block or Object storage repository).
Check the 'Creating Amazon S3 as backup repository' video.

Setting up Amazon S3 Storage as backup repository

In the BDRSuite Backup Server, navigate to Infrastructure -> Backup Repository -> Object Storage and on the page that opens click  'Create New Object Storage Repository' button.

Repository Name

Give a Name to the repository you are creating.

Repository Type

Amazon S3
Choose the repository type if you want to use Amazon S3 object storage to store your backup data. You will need to provide your Amazon S3 account credentials for the BDRSuite Backup Server to access the S3 storage.

Service Endpoint

The Service Endpoint field is auto-filled which establishes a secure connection between the Amazon S3 account and the BDRSuite Backup Server.
Note: By default, HTTPS is used for Service Endpoint connection. If you want to use HTTP instead of HTTPS then make sure that the firewall settings do not interrupt the data transfer during the backup or recovery.
Note: While using the HTTP, enter the URL in the following format- http://SERVICE_ENDPOINT_URL.


From the Credentials drop-down list, select user credentials to access your Amazon S3 account if you already have added the credentials. Otherwise, click Add New Credential button which opens a dialog box.
  1. Specify a credential name to identify your credential record, and provide the Secret Key and Access Key of your Amazon S3 Cloud Storage Account.
  2. You can manage all the S3 Compatible Storage account Credentials from Backup Server Tile -> Credential Management -> AWS  S3.

DC Region

Select the DC region
Note: Only the AWS region currently supported in the BDRSuite Backup Server will be listed here.

Bucket Name

From the Bucket Name drop-down list, select a container. Make sure that the bucket where you want to store your backup data was created in advance.

Cache Location

Choose a cache location to store backup data temporarily before uploading it to Amazon S3 Cloud Storage. Local drives and Network drives added to the BDRSuite Backup Server will be shown in the dropdown list which can be selected as Cache Location.
Note: If you are using a backup server cluster, all the nodes will use the location selected here temporarily for storing the backup data before uploading it to Amazon S3. If you want all the nodes to use a common location then make sure that the shared drive is mounted in all the nodes with the same drive letter used here.
Once all the fields are entered, click the ‘Create’ button upon which the Amazon S3 cloud will be added as Backup Repository.
The created Amazon S3 Cloud Repository can be set as default storage to store the backup data of all jobs configured in the BDRSuite Backup Server (or) you can select the repository for specific jobs during backup configuration.
Note: BDRSuite supports AWS S3 Storage to store primary backup data, secondary backup copies, and offsite backups as well. Backups for VMware VMs, Hyper-V VMs, Windows Servers, Linux, Endpoints (Windows & mac), Microsoft 365, and Google Workspace can be configured using BDRSuite and store their data on Amazon S3 Storage

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