API Management & Execution

API Management & Execution

API Management Using Postman

BDRSuite exposes its objects through Web Service APIs. BDRSuite now allows the user to export and use the BDRSuite API collections on Postman App.
Postman is a popular cloud-based API repository platform for developing and using APIs. It provides a central repository for APIs that can be easily stored and managed. So, you can easily test and manage the BDRSuite APIs with the Postman app


Before you begin, you will need to learn a few key terminologies used in postman.
Workspaces in Postman enable you organize your API work and collaborate with your colleagues. Refer to this page for further information about the Workspace.
To keep your workspace organized, interact with peers, develop API test suites, and automate request runs, you can use collections. Click here to learn more about Collections.
A Postman environment is a collection of variables that you may use in your requests. Click here to learn more about the environment.
Variables allow you save and reuse variables in your scripts and requests. The scope of variables can be specified as Global, Collection, or Environment. Click here to learn more about the variables

API Execution Using Postman

BDRSuite exposes its objects through Web Service APIs. BDRSuite now allows the user to export and use the BDRSuite API collections on Postman App.
This help document provides instructions on how to execute API requests using Postman, a popular collaboration platform for API development. The document is divided into several sections to guide you through the process effectively. Please follow the steps below to download and install Postman, import the BDRSuite API collection and environment, prepare the environment JSON, and execute the APIs.

Table of Contents

  1. Downloading and Installing Postman
  2. Importing BDRSuite Postman API Collection and Environment
  3. Preparing the Environment JSON
  4. Executing the APIs from the Collection

Downloading and Installing Postman

Before you can begin executing APIs using Postman, you need to download and install the application. Follow the steps below:
  1. Visit the official Postman website at www.postman.com.
  2. Navigate to the “Downloads” section and choose the appropriate version for your operating system.
  3. Click on the download link and save the installation file to your computer.
  4. Once the download is complete, locate the installation file and run it.
  5. Follow the on-screen instructions to install Postman on your computer.
  6. After the installation is complete, launch the Postman application.

Importing BDRSuite Postman API Collection and Environment

To import the BDRSuite API collection and environment into Postman, please follow the steps below:
  1. Download the BDRSuite Webservices API Plugin wise Zip folder from the following link: https://vembu-docs.s3.us-west-1.amazonaws.com/API/bdrsuite-webservices-api-pluginwise.zip
  2. Extract the contents of the zip folder to a location where you can easily access them.
  3. In the Postman application, create a new workspace by clicking on the “Workspace” dropdown in the top-left corner and selecting “Create a Workspace.”
  4. Give your workspace a suitable name and click on the “Create” button.
  5. Within your newly created workspace, click on the “Import” button in the top-left corner.
  6. In the import window, select the “Import File” tab.
  7. Click on the “Choose Files” button and navigate to the location where you extracted the BDRSuite Webservices API Plugin Wise zip folder.
  8. Select the required collection JSON files and click on the “Open” button.
  9. Repeat the previous step to import the BDRSuite Server environment JSON file.
  10. Once the required files are selected, click on the “Import” button to import the collection and environment into Postman.

Preparing the BDRSuite Server Environment JSON

To prepare the environment JSON file for BDRSuite, follow the instructions below:
  1. Open the imported environment by clicking on the “Environment” button in the top-right corner of the Postman application.
  2. In the environment sidebar, click on the environment name associated with the BDRSuite API.
  3. Within the environment editor, locate the “KEY” column and find the “username” and “password” variables.
  4. In the corresponding “VALUE” column, provide the username and password of your BDRSuite Backup/Offsite DR/360 Server.
  5. Next, locate the “urltopost” variable and provide the URL of your BDRSuite Server in the following format: https://<machine_name/ip of the BDRSuite Server>:6060/bdrwebservices.php.
  6. Once all the required details are provided, click on the “Save” button to save the environment JSON.

Executing the APIs from the Collection

Now that you have imported the required collections and prepared the environment, you can execute the APIs using Postman. Follow the steps below:
  1. The collection contains APIs grouped by function as folders. Open the relevant folder that contains the API you want to execute.
  2. Within the folder, locate the required API request and click on it to open the request editor.
  3. If necessary, click on the “Documentation” tab to view all the required request parameters for the API.
  4. Provide the required request parameters in the request body according to the documentation.
  5. Once all the necessary parameters are provided, click on the “Send” button to execute the API request.
  6. Review the response received from the server to verify the success of the API execution.
Note: The included collection contains commonly used APIs. If you require assistance with other API requests, please reach out to our support team (vembu-support@vembu.com) for further guidance.
Following these instructions should enable you to successfully execute APIs using Postman with the imported collections and environment. If you encounter any issues or have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact our support team for assistance.

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