Adding Linux Servers & Workstations for Backup

Adding Linux Servers & Workstations for Backup

Prerequisites to Manually install BDRSuite Backup Agent (BBA) on Linux

BDRSuite Backup Agent (BBA) runs with the service name – BDRSuite Delegation Service (BDS) is a mandatory component for backup operations and is installed on the target Endpoint (Linux).
When adding Endpoints (Linux) to the BDRSuite Server, you will have two options to install BBA. You can automatically Install BBA in the target Endpoint through Server (or) You can download and manually install BBA in the Target Endpoint.
The steps below are applicable in the following cases:
  1. If you add the Linux Endpoint using the option: I will manually Download BBA and install it on the target host
  2. If adding the Linux Endpoint has failed through the option: Automatically Install BBA in the target host.

Steps to Add Endpoints (Linux) using the option: Download and Manually Install BBA on the target host:

Step 1: Under the main Tab: Endpoints, navigate to the menu: Data Sources -> Add Linux.
Step 2: Add Manually Option: Enter the target Endpoint’s Name/IP Address and Credential and save to the BDRSuite Backup Server. Check Prerequisites for Linux Endpoints here.
Step 3: Install BDRSuite Backup Agent (BBA) on each of the target endpoints which runs as a Service with the name BDRSuite Delegation Service.

Steps to Download and Install BBA on Linux Endpoints

Log in as a Root User to install BDRSuite Backup Agent (BBA) on the target Linux Endpoint.
Copy the BBA installer link. Use the command below to download BBA (runs with service BDRSuite Delegation Service) on the target Linux Endpoint.
wget <Enter the BBA installer link>
BBA Installer will be downloaded as a Zip file. Unzip the installer to extract the bin file using the command below.
Debian Linux:
Red Hat Linux:
Once BBA is downloaded and unzipped on the target Endpoint, execute the command below to connect BBA to the backup server.
Debian Linux:
bash BDRSuite_Delegation_Service_5_3_0_0_DBN.bin yes admin "/home/vembuintegrationservice" 1 "{Enter BDRSuite Backup Server IP Address/DNS Name}"
Red Hat Linux:
bash BDRSuite_Delegation_Service_5_3_0_0_RH.bin yes admin "/home/vembuintegrationservice" 1 "{Enter BDRSuite Backup Server IP Address/DNS Name}"
Step 4: BBA installed on each target endpoint will automatically connect to the backup server. You can configure backups only for endpoints that have successfully connected and registered with the backup server.

Establishing Connection between the target Endpoint and BDRSuite Server

BBA installed on each target endpoint will automatically connect to the backup server.
1.If the BBA on the target Endpoint is successfully connected to the BDRSuite Server, then the status will be shown as ‘Idle’.
2.If the target Endpoint is not connected, then the status will be shown as ‘BBA Not Connected’. In this case, ensure the following on the target Endpoint:
Make sure BDRSuite Backup Agent(BBA) (runs with service name:BDRSuite Delegation Service) is installed. Make sure the ‘BDRSuite Delegation Service’ status is running.
3.BBA installed on the target Endpoint uses port 42005 to communicate with the BDRSuite Server. To check whether the port is open for communication between the Endpoint and BDRSuite Server, open Command Prompt on the Endpoint and execute the following command.
telnet [BDRSuite Server IP Address/DNS Name] [port]
If the port is not accessible, it can be due to the firewall settings. Make sure your firewall rules allow port 42005 to be open for communication.
4.If the connection to the target Endpoint has still not been established, please check the logs on the location below for more information. The errors you may encounter in the logs while adding Endpoints are listed below along with the solutions.

Target Endpoint:

Linux Log Location:<installationlocation>/vembuintegrationservice/Vembu/VembuIntegrationService/log/server.log
Example: /home/vembuintegrationservice/Vembu/VembuIntegrationService/log/server.log

BDRSuite Server:

Linux Log Location: /<installation location>/vembubdr/Vembu/VembuBDR/log/server.log
Example: /home/vembubdr/Vembu/VembuBDR/log/server.log

How to resolve the issues you run into when adding Endpoints

  1. Error 117073: Unable to find the Endpoint – {Hostname/IP}. Make sure the Endpoint is added to the BDRSuite Server. — To resolve this issue, make sure you add the Endpoints details and save them on the backup server under the Data Sources menu
  2. Error 117074: Unable to connect to the BDRSuite Server. Make sure the BDRSuite Server is up and running. — To resolve this issue, make sure you have specified the valid backup server IP address/DNS name and BDRSuite service is up and running.
  3. Error 117076: BDRSuite Server isn’t compatible with the BDRSuite Delegation Service (BDS) version running on the target host. Make sure the BDS runs the same or lower version than BDRSuite Server. — To resolve this issue, ensure the BDRSuite Delegation Service runs on the same or lower version than the BDRSuite Server.
  4. Error 117072: Unable to register the target host as another host with the same BIOS UUID added already. Hosts with unique BIOS UUID can only be added/registered to the BDRSuite Server. — You can only add Endpoints that have unique BIOS UUID.
  5. Error 117011: Unsupported Operating System for backup. — Check the supported OS here.
If the target Endpoint still didn’t establish connection to the BDRSuite Server, please contact our support team through

Prerequisites to Automatically install BDRSuite Backup Agent (BBA) on Linux

Before you add a Linux machine (Servers/Endpoints) to the BDRSuite Server/Client, check the following prerequisites.

User Account with Root Privileges

Make sure the user account you specify to add the Linux machine has root privileges. If you add a non-root account, make sure to provide the root password.

User Account Credentials

You can add the user account credentials using any of the following options:

i) Linux Account Option:

You can connect to the Linux machine directly using the Username and Password of the specified user account

ii) Linux Private Key Option:

You can connect to the Linux machine using the Identity/Pubkey authentication method.
If you have already generated public-private key pair, provide the Username, Private key, and Passphrase (if applicable) and save the Linux credentials (or) you can follow the steps below to generate the public-private key pair.
Step 1: Generate a pair of keys – a public key and a private key using the command below:
ssh-key -t rsa
Step 2: Specify the location and the file name in the format .ppk or .pem to save the key. In the below examples, keys are generated in the .ppk format.
Example: /home/key.ppk
Step 3: Enter a passphrase or leave it empty. The private key is protected with a passphrase.
Step 4: Then, the private key (.ppk) and public key (.pub) will be saved to the specified location and file.
Example: Your identification has been saved in /home/key.ppk Your public key has been saved in /home/
Step 5: Change the file permissions of the private and public keys using the command below:
chmod 755 <private key file name> Example: chmod 755 key.ppk chmod 755 <public key file name>
Example: chmod 755
Step 6: On the target Linux machine, Public-key needs to be kept in a special authorized_keys file containing a list of public keys using the command below:
ssh-copy-id -i <Public-key file name> <username>@<Host IP Address> Example: ssh-copy-id -i admin@
Step 7: Copy the Private Key file to the backup server using any FTP tools. You now have the Public key on the Linux machine and the Private key on the backup server.


Make sure the SSH Port is open allowing remote access to the machine. The default SSH port is 22. If you run the SSH server in a different port, make sure the port is accessible.
BBA installed on the Linux machine uses port 42005 to communicate with the Backup Server. Make sure your firewall rules allow port 42005 to be open for communication.

Internet Connection

Make sure the target Linux machine has internet access.

Supported Operating Systems

Debian Linux (64-bit):
Debian Linux 10.0 & above
Ubuntu 18.04 LTS & above
Redhat Linux (64-bit):
CentOS 7.0 & above
CloudLinux 7.0 & above
Fedora 34.0 & above
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.0 & above
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 & above

System Requirements

Memory: Minimum: 2 GB
CPU: Minimum: Dual-Core Processor

Add Linux (File & Folder Backup)

Linux servers can be backed up at files and folders level using the BDRSuite Backup Server. You can simply add the source to the BDRSuite Backup Server and configure backups. Navigate to Data Sources tab and choose Add Linux.
When a Linux machine is added to the BDRSuite Backup server, a BDRSuite Backup Agent (BBA) is automatically or manually  installed in the target machine.

Procedure to add Linux Machine

Linux machine has to be added before you begin configuring the backup schedule. In the Data Sources tab choose ‘Servers & Endpoints’. You will be taken to a page where you will see a message stating ‘No host added’ if you adding host for the first time.
Click on ‘Add Host‘ and select Linux. There are three distinct methods provided on the opening page for adding  which are as follows;
  1. Manual Agent Installation
  2. Automatic Agent Installation
  3. Bulk Installation

1. Manual Agent Installation

Step 1: Download Backup Agent
Debian Linux(64-bit) – Debian Linux 10.0 & above, Ubuntu 18.04 LTS & above – Download
Redhat Linux(64-bit) – CentOS 7.5 & above, CloudLinux 7.0 & above, Fedora 34.0 & above, Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.0 & above, SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 & above – Download
Step 2: Backup Agent Installation on Individual Backup Hosts
Run Backup Agent setup file on the target host and follow the on-screen instructions to proceed with the installation.
During the installation, you will be prompted to enter the following information:
Display Name: Enter a name to identify the host in the backup server.
Backup Server DNS Name/IP Address: Enter the BDRSuite Backup Server’s DNS Name/IP Address to register this host with the backup server.
Choose Backup Component: Select the option ‘Files and Folders Backup’.
Complete the installation process by providing the necessary information.
Once the installation is successful, the agent will automatically establish connection and register the host with the backup server.
To verify the installation and connection, go to the Data Sources menu on the backup server. You will see the host details, including the display name, Hostname/IP address and connection status.
You can configure backups for Linux Hosts that have successfully connected and registered with the BDRSuite Backup Server/Client.

2. Automatic Agent Installation

This option allows you to add each host by entering their IP address and credentials. This will automatically install BBA on the target host
Add Linux machine by providing ‘Hostname/IP Address and its login credentials.
Note: You can add as many Linux machines into the BDRSuite Backup Server whenever required
Display Name
Enter a name for the host to identify it on the BDRSuite Backup Server. This name will be used to distinguish hosts with the same IP address.
IP Address/DNS Name
Enter the hostname or IP address of the hostname for which you have to proceed with the backup
The Hostname can be added using FQDN(Fully qualified domain name) ie., machine_name.domain_name. You can connect your host with BDRSuite Backup Server through the following combinations in the Hostname/IP Address section:
Hostname – Enter the Hostname alone
Hostname@Domain name – Enter the hostname followed by @ and domain name
Domain name/Hostname – Enter the domain name followed backslash (/) and the hostname – Enter the IP address
Note: If you have provided an invalid Hostname/IP address, the following alert message will be displayed “Unable to connect the Linux Machine. Please check network connection settings”
You can add new credentials or select existing credentials. Click here to read more.
User Name: Enter the username of the specific host
Password: The password of the host or IP Address.
Email ID
You can enter an email ID where you want to receive endpoint reports
Save the host after adding all the details. The Linux machine will be added to the BDRSuite Backup Server if you had chosen automatic installation of BBA.
BDRSuite Backup Server pushes VIS – BDRSuite Integration Service onto the added target machine. BDRSuite Integration Services: VIS acts as an agent in the target machine in which the data present in the machine has to be backed up. BDRSuite Integration Service reads the data from the added machine and lists the files & folders in the BDRSuite Backup Server for backup.

3. Bulk Installation

Step 1: Download BDRSuite Backup Agent
Debian Linux(64-bit): Debian Linux 10.0 & above, Ubuntu 18.04 LTS & above – Download
Redhat Linux(64-bit): CentOS 7.5 & above, CloudLinux 7.0 & above, Fedora 34.0 & above, Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.0 & above, SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 & above – Download
Step 2: Backup Agent Installation using Third-Party Tools (Silent Installation)
Download Backup Agent and install it on multiple backup hosts simultaneously using the command below through any third party tool.
Debian Linux:
bash BDRSuite_Delegation_Service_7_0_1_0_DBN.bin –BACKUPSERVERINFO “{Enter Backup Server IP Address/DNS Name}”
Red Hat Linux:
bash BDRSuite_Delegation_Service_7_0_1_0_RH.bin –BACKUPSERVERINFO “{Enter Backup Server IP Address/DNS Name}”

Overview Dashboard

Bulk Email Update
Bulk Email Update allows you to update user email IDs to multiple hosts simultaneously. If Email Reports (backup, restore, etc) for Servers/Endpoints are enabled, it will be sent to this configured Email ID. Email Reports can be enabled from the ‘Reports -> Email Notifications’ menu.
Incase you want to update the new or the already given email ID for individual host then you can do that using the ‘Edit’ option alongside the respective hosts listed.
Protection Status
Protection Enabled: You can click here to view all the hosts for which backups have been configured.
Protection Not Enabled: You can click here to view all the hosts for which backups have not been configured.
Agent Status
Active: You can click here to view all the backup agents (Installed on the host) that have recently connected to the BDRSuite Backup Server.
Disconnected: You can click here to view all the backup agents (Installed on the host) that have not connected to the BDRSuite Backup Server for more than few minutes.
Never Connected: You can click here to view all the backup agents (Installed on the host) that hasn’t established a initial connect yet with the BDRSuite Backup Server.
Windows: You can click here to view all the added Windows hosts/machines.
Linux: You can click here to view all the added Linux hosts/machines.
Mac: You can click here to view all the added Mac hosts/machines.
Agent’s Version
Up to Date Agents: Click to view all the hosts with backup agents running the latest version.
Outdated Agents: Click to view all the hosts with backup agents running the outdated version and need to be updated.
You can search for the host with its name using the search option and also apply filter based on ‘Type’, ‘Agent Status’, ‘Protection Status’ and  ‘Agent Version’.
You can also click on the ‘Download icon’ to download all the host details.
The added hosts will be listed with its OS Type, Name, IP Address/DNS Name, Email ID, Protection Status, Agents Status, Last Connected Time, Agent Version & Actions. Edit and Delete Actions can be performed for the respective hosts as per requirement.