Exchange Transaction Log Not Purged After Successful Backups - BDRSuite & BDRCloud for Applications & DBs

Exchange Transaction Log Not Purged After Successful Backups

KB ID: 83
The issue of Exchange transaction logs not being purged after successful backups in Vembu's Exchange Server Plugin is attributed to the utilization of Microsoft's API (VSS for Exchange 2003/2007/2010). This API is responsible for dumping the Exchange database and log files and purging the logs upon completion of FULL/SYNTHETIC-FULL/INCREMENTAL backups. The process of truncating logs is solely handled by the Exchange System, and the BDRSuite/BDRCloud client does not interfere with or modify the Exchange logs. The number of logs to truncate is determined by the Exchange Server, with FULL (& SYNTHETIC-FULL) backups more efficiently truncating logs compared to INCREMENTAL LOG backups.
Note: Logs are not purged after DIFFERENTIAL LOG backup schedules.
For Exchange Server 2003/2007:
1. Enable the Circular Logging option for all mailbox databases on your Exchange server.
2. Restart the Information Store service and verify if all logs are purged.
3. Disable the Circular Logging option for all databases and restart the Information Store service.
4. Configure an additional Full backup and confirm if the backup completes successfully on your client machine.
For Exchange Server 2010:
1. Dismount all databases and then remount them during a period of lower mail traffic.
2. Configure an additional Full backup schedule for the Exchange backup job and check if the logs are purged, and backups complete successfully.

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