Resolve Installation Hurdles: Fixing 'Checking Prerequisites Failed. MySQL Server Cannot Be Installed In This System!' Error

Resolve Installation Hurdles: Fixing 'Checking Prerequisites Failed. MySQL Server Cannot Be Installed In This System!' Error

KB ID: 74
The BDRSuite installation process encounters an error with the message "Checking Prerequisites Failed. MySQL Server Cannot Be Installed In This System!" This occurs when MySQL server is already installed on the BDR machine. It is essential for the BDR server to be dedicated to the BDRSuite application.
Follow the steps below to resolve this issue:
1. Ensure that the BDR server is dedicated to the BDRSuite application.
2. Remove the existing MySQL server installation from the BDR machine.
3. Remove all entries related to the existing MySQL installation.
4. Use the BDR online installer to proceed with the installation.
Note: Make sure to perform these actions with the necessary administrative permissions and after backing up any critical data on the system.