How To Enable Log Application Consistent & Truncation While Configuring Image Backups
KB ID: 70
This guide provides steps on how to configure Image backups with Log-enabled Application Consistent & Truncation features using Vembu BDR Image Backup.
BDRSuite Image Backup offers Application-consistent backup on the backup configuration page. To enable this feature, follow these steps:
1. Application Aware Options:
- On the backup configuration page, locate the "Application Aware Options."
- Select the checkbox to enable "Application Aware Options."
- Choose from the following options:
- Require successful application processing: This option stops backups if any application writer (e.g., MS Exchange Writer) is in an unstable state or if VSS writers are not processed successfully after the snapshot.
- Ignore application processing failures: This option does not process Application VSS writers and ignores the checking of application writers’ statuses. Note that this might lead to inconsistent data in the backup and is not recommended.
2. Truncate the Transaction Logs Options:
- Locate the "Truncate the transaction logs" options.
- Choose from the following options:
- Truncate logs on successful backup only: Truncates the application transaction logs only on the successful transfer of the snapshot to the backup server.
- Truncate logs immediately (after snapshot): Truncates the application transaction logs immediately after the successful creation of the snapshot.
These settings help maintain consistency in database snapshots by utilizing the Microsoft VSS API. Adjust the options based on your specific requirements. The default setting for "Application Aware Options" is disabled.