Restore Failed: Verify Permissions for AWS Account - Follow Prerequisites for Successful Restoration

Restore Failed: Verify Permissions for AWS Account - Follow Prerequisites for Successful Restoration

KB ID: 502002
1. Restore failed. Ensure all permissions for each service listed in 'Prerequisite to add an AWS account' are granted.
Permissions to access the storage account are either missing or misspelled while creating a role for App Registration. Additionally, account credentials might not have been generated following the correct document.
To resolve this issue, follow these steps:
1. Ensure credentials for the AWS Account are generated by following the steps in the document titled Pre-requisites to Add AWS Account
2. If you've followed the above step, confirm that the permission JSON assigned for the role matches the JSON provided below
If not, edit the permission JSON, copy, and paste the provided JSON as mentioned in the document. After making these changes, proceed with the restoration process.