Azure Backup Failure: Verify Permissions for 'Microsoft.Compute/VirtualMachines' According to Prerequisites

Azure Backup Failure: Verify Permissions for 'Microsoft.Compute/VirtualMachines' According to Prerequisites

KB ID: 501026
1. Backup failed. Ensure that the permissions for 'Microsoft.Compute/VirtualMachines' listed in the 'Prerequisites to add Azure Account' are granted.
Permissions required to access the storage account might be missing or misspelled while creating a role for App Registration. Additionally, account credentials might not be generated following the correct document.
To resolve this issue, follow these steps:
1. Make sure credentials for the Azure Account are generated by following the steps in the provided document: [Pre-requisites to Add Azure Account](link-to-document).
2. If you have followed the above steps, ensure that the permission JSON assigned for the role includes the following permissions under "actions":
3. If not, edit the permission JSON, copy and paste the specified permissions under "actions," save the changes, and wait for some time to allow the permission changes to be reflected. Then proceed with the backup.

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