Addressing "Microsoft 365 Domains not listed during backup configuration" Issue

Addressing "Microsoft 365 Domains not listed during backup configuration" Issue

KB ID: 310000
This issue arises when the Domain status is unhealthy or inactive for any of the domains in the Microsoft 365 Organization added to the BDRSuite Server.
1. Check Domain Status:
Contact your Microsoft 365 account administrator to verify and address any issues related to the health status of the domains. Ensure that all domains are set to 'Healthy' status.

2. Reconfirm Domain Listing:
After resolving the domain health issues, reconfirm the domain listing in the backup configuration wizard on the BDRSuite Server.
3. Contact Support if Issues Persist:
If the problem persists or if you encounter difficulties with domain listing, please reach out to our support team at for further assistance.
By following these steps, you can resolve the issue of Microsoft 365 domains not being listed during the backup configuration process and ensure the seamless operation of BDRSuite Backup for Microsoft Office 365.
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