Migration of Vembu BDR v3.6 and Above [Server Running MySQL, Mongo] from One Machine to Another

Migration of Vembu BDR v3.6 and Above [Server Running MySQL, Mongo] from One Machine to Another

KB ID: 29
This guide outlines the process for migrating a BDRSuite server from one machine to another in both physical and virtual environments.
  1. Machine A: Old Backup Server machine.
  2. Machine B: New Backup Server machine.
Process on Machine A:
1. Stop the VembuBDR and MongoDB services.
2. Copy the entire "VembuBDR-Home" location, especially the "data," "Plugin-data," and "conf" folders. Example: "C:\Program Files\Vembu\VembuBDR."
3. Take a MySQL databases dump by executing the following command in the command prompt. Adjust the username and password according to your MySQL credentials.
mysqldump -u user_name -p --all-databases > sgdatabase.sql
Example: `mysqldump -u root -p --all-databases > sgdatabase.sql`
4. For MongoDB dump, open CMD with administrator privileges, go to the "Mongo-Home\bin" folder, and execute `mongodump.exe`. Once completed, a folder named “dump” will be created under "Mongo-Home\bin."
5. Copy the following items and maintain them collectively under a folder named "VembuBDRServerRebuild":
   - "data," "conf," "Plugin-data" folder from "VembuBDR-Home" (Example: C:\Program Files\Vembu\VembuBDR)
   - Storage Data ("sgstorage" Folder from the drives configured as storage in VembuBDR server, Example: E:\sgstorage and H:\sgstorage)
Process on Machine B:
1. Download the Vembu BDR server installer from the Vembu website. Ensure that you install the same version that was running on Machine A. Run the installer with “Run as Administrator” option.
Note: After installation, do not start the following services - VembuBDR, MongoDB. If started, please stop them.
2. Import the MySQL and MongoDB databases:
mysql -u[user_name] -p[password] sgdatabase < sgdatabase.sql
Example: `mysql -uroot -padmin sgdatabase < sgdatabase.sql`
  1. Copy the “dump” folder to the bin location in the MongoDB installation folder.
  2. Start the MongoDB service.
  3. Double click "mongorestore.exe" in the bin folder.
3. Transfer the copied "data," "plugin-data," and "conf" folders (from step A5) and replace them in the "VembuBDR-Home" location.
4. Copy the storage data ("sgstorage" folder) to the new storage location on Machine B. If the new storage location's drive letter is the same as the old server (e.g., "E" and "H" drives as mentioned in A5), you can start the VembuBDR Service after ensuring all information is correctly updated.
5. If the new location differs from the old location (e.g., "E, H" drives in the old server and "G" drive in the new location), please contact our support team for assistance, as it may require technician help.

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