Troubleshooting: Unable to Create VM on the Target Host

Troubleshooting: Unable to Create VM on the Target Host

KB ID: 261000
During Full VM recovery, the virtual machine creation failed.
1. Duplicate VM name
2. Connection to oVirt engine failure
3. Authentication failure of oVirt Engine console credentials
1. Unique VM Name: Always provide a unique name for the virtual machine to be created in the oVirt environment.
2. Check oVirt Engine Status: 
Ensure that the oVirt Engine status is good and that the engine is up.
Use the following command to check the engine status on the oVirt Engine (self-hosted) machine:
 hosted-engine --vm-status
          Example output:
     Host (id: 1) status
     Host ID                            : 1
     Host timestamp              : 241871
     Score                                : 3400
     Engine status                   : {"vm": "up", "health": "good", "detail": "Up"}
     Hostname                         :
     Local maintenance           : False
     stopped                             : False
     crc32                                  : 099bd52f
     conf_on_shared_storage  : True
     local_conf_timestamp      : 241874
     Status up-to-date              : True
     Extra metadata (valid at timestamp):
             timestamp=241871 (Mon Jan 15 11:12:26 2024)
             vm_conf_refresh_time=241874 (Mon Jan 15 11:12:28 2024)
3. Verify oVirt Engine Console Credentials: Make sure the provided oVirt Engine console credentials are correct and valid.

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