Troubleshooting Guide: Resolving Connection Issues with the Target Host

Troubleshooting: Unable to Establish Connection to the Target Host

KB ID: 117433
Encountering difficulties in connecting to the target host? Ensure that the specified SSH Port is valid and that the target host is powered on.
Cause 1: The target host is offline.
Cause 2: Firewall is enabled on the target host.
1. Make sure that the target host is powered on.
2. To check the Firewall status in a Linux Machine, use the command specific to your distribution:
  1. For Ubuntu: `sudo ufw status`
  2. For Fedora: `systemctl status firewalld`
   If the Firewall is active, add firewall rules for SSH port 22 and backup port 42005:
   For Ubuntu:
iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 22 -j ACCEPT
iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 42005 -j ACCEPT
   For Fedora:
          sudo firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=42005/tcp

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