Troubleshooting Error During BDRSuite Delegation Service (BDS) Installation

Error During BDRSuite Delegation Service (BDS) Installation on the Target Host

KB ID: 117431
The installation of BDRSuite Delegation Service (BDS) on the target host (Linux) may encounter errors due to the following reasons:
1. Insufficient Drive Space: There is not enough free disk space on the target host.
2. No Internet Connection: The target host or the BDRSuite Server lacks internet connectivity.
3. Existing BDS Installation: BDS may already be installed on the target host, or another .bin file is being installed.
4. Inaccessible Target Host: The target host is unreachable.
5. User Not in Sudoers File: The user attempting the installation is not added to the sudoers file.
6. Missing 'unzip' Utility: The 'unzip' utility is not available on the target host.
7. Unsupported Operating System: The target host's operating system is not supported by BDRSuite.
8. Pre-requisite for Proxmox: Ensure the pre-requisite for the proxmox VMs
Cause 1:
Ensure that there is a minimum of 2 GB of free disk space on the target host. The BDS installation requires sufficient disk space.
Cause 2:
Confirm that both the target host and the BDRSuite Server have internet access. BDS installation fails without internet connectivity.
Cause 3:
Check if another .bin file is being installed simultaneously, as this will cause BDS installation to fail. Verify if BDS is already running on the target host (Linux) by using the following command:
  Open Terminal and run the command: netstat -anp | grep 42005
  42005 - Port used by BDRSuite Delegation Service (BDS)
Cause 4:
Ensure that the target host is reachable, and validate the accuracy of the entered details, including the Target Host IP Address and Root Password.
Cause 5:
Add the user to the sudoers file using the appropriate command based on the operating system:
  1. For Ubuntu: `usermod -aG sudo <username>`
  2. For CentOS: `usermod -aG wheel <username>`
Cause 6:
Install the 'unzip' utility on the target Linux machine before executing the BDS installer, as the BDS installer is a zip file containing the .bin file.
Cause 7:
Verify that the target host's operating system is supported by BDRSuite. Refer to the supported OS list for compatibility.
          Cause 8: 
                        Prerequisite for Proxmox VMs Listing:
Before adding the agent, ensure that the virtual machine's username is included in the sudoers file located at /etc/sudoers. If it's not included, follow these steps:
There are two methods to install Proxmox:
Installing Debian First:
  1. Install Debian, then install Proxmox packages, and finally create the VMs. If you've chosen this method, follow these steps for listing the VMs for backup:
  1. Switch to root user: su
  2. Enter the root password.
  3. Open the file using: nano /etc/sudoers
  4. Add the command with your username to the file: user_name ALL=(ALL) ALL
Using Proxmox Provided ISO:
  1. If Proxmox provided the ISO to install Proxmox Virtual Environment and create the VMs, follow these steps for listing the VMs for backup:
Install sudo: apt install sudo
Firewall Configuration:
We utilize the Flask web service for Python agent communication, thus requiring the addition of port 5000 to the firewall. Execute the following command to add port 5000 to the firewall:
Example: sudo firewall-cmd --add-port=5000/tcp                  
This knowledge base article provides troubleshooting steps for resolving errors encountered during the installation of BDRSuite Delegation Service (BDS) on the target host.