Troubleshooting Network Connection Issues: Unable to Connect to Target Host

Unable to Connect to Target Host: Network Connection Issue Troubleshooting

KB ID: 117043
Encountering connectivity issues when attempting to connect to the target host may result from the following scenarios:
Cause 1: Unreachable Target Host (UNC Validation)
The target host is not reachable, leading to issues with UNC validation path validation (admin$).
Cause 2: Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) Access Issue
Difficulties in accessing the Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) of the target host.
For Cause 1: Unreachable Target Host - UNC Validation:
1. Confirm UNC Validation:
  1. Manually verify admin$ share access from the machine where VembuBDR or VembuVMBackup is installed.
  2. Run 'cmd' and enter: \\IP\admin$
  3. Replace 'IP' with the hostname or IP of the target machine (Example: \\admin$).
  4. Ensure the target host is reachable and added to your Network Address Translation (NAT) gateway.
Note: Make sure the target “HostName\IP” you are trying to use is added into your network address translation(NAT) gateway.
2. Firewall Configuration:
  1. Make sure your firewall doesn't block remote connections.
  2. Add an inbound rule in the target machine's firewall settings:
    1. Open Control Panel.
    2. Navigate to System and Security > Windows Firewall > Advanced Settings.
    3. Click Inbound Rules.
    4. Create a new rule and select the "Remote Service Management" predefined option.
    5. Enable the rule and finish the setup.
3. Ensure Services are Running:
  1. Verify that the following services are running on the target machine:
    1. Server Service
    2. Windows Remote Management (WS-management)
    3. Cluster Service
For Cause 2: WMI Access Issue:
1. Firewall Configuration:
  1. Ensure that the firewall isn't blocking Windows Management Instrumentation functions.
  2. Add an inbound rule in the target machine's firewall settings:
    1. Open Control Panel.
    2. Navigate to System and Security > Windows Firewall > Advanced Settings.
    3. Click Inbound Rules.
    4. Create a new rule and select the "Windows Management Instrumentation" predefined option.
    5. Enable the rule and finish the setup.
2. Ensure Services are Running:
  1. Confirm that the following services are running on the target machine:
    1. Windows Management Instrumentation
    2. Cluster Service
Confirmation Test:
After verifying the solutions, perform a pre-test using the WBEM utility:
1. Open "wbemtest" on your server/client machine.
2. In the namespace text box, provide the target hostname/IP: \IP\root\cimv2 (Example: \\root\cimv2).
3. Provide the username and password, and click connect. 
 Note: For local machines, no username or password is required.
4. If issues persist, recheck the solutions and wait for a successful WBEM test result.
5. Once successful, proceed to add the desired host.

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