Device Replacement and Agent Management in BDRSuite

Device Replacement and Agent Management in BDRSuite

KB ID: 115916


BDRSuite offers two key options for managing device replacements and handling duplicate agents: 
1. Generate Token: Used for agent reinstallation or replacement.
2. Host Merge: Allows merging duplicate agent entries caused by reinstallation.
This article provides instructions on how to use these features

Device Replacement Options

When accessing the Device Replacement section, you will find two options
  1. Agent Token
  2. Merge Duplicate Agents

1. Generate Token

The Generate Token option is useful when reinstalling or replacing an agent. The generated token enables the new agent to replace the old one on the backup server seamlessly.
1. Go to the Agent Token option.
2. A dialog box will appear prompting you to generate a token for agent replacement.
3. Click the Create button to generate the token.
4. During agent installation, select the "Replace an Existing Agent" option and use the token for re-registration.
5. The new agent will replace the old one, and backup jobs will continue as scheduled, retaining previous backup data for recovery.

2. Merge Duplicate Agents

The Merge Duplicate Agents option is designed to handle duplicate agent entries created by system reinstalls or reinstallation of the app. This feature allows you to merge duplicate entries, ensuring backup continuity.
1. Select the Merge Duplicate Agents option.
2. A dialog box will open where you can select the Target Host to merge with the source host.
3. After selecting the Target Host, click the Merge button to complete the process.
4. The system will remove the target host, and all future backups will be configured from the source host.
Important Notes:
  1. Generate Token: This token is essential for replacing agents. Use it during agent installation under the "Replace an Existing Agent" option.
  2. Host Merge: Merging is irreversible, and the target host will be permanently removed from the system.
By following these instructions, you can easily manage agent replacements and handle duplicate agent entries in BDRSuite, ensuring uninterrupted backup and recovery operations.