Troubleshooting: Endpoint Agent Not Listed After Manual Installation or Endpoint Agent in Disconnected Status

Troubleshooting: Endpoint Agent Not Listed After Manual Installation or Endpoint Agent in Disconnected Status

KB ID: 115915


The endpoint agent shows a "Not Listed or Disconnected" status in the BDRSuite backup server console, preventing successful backups and communication between the endpoint and the BDRSuite backup server.


This issue may occur due to several reasons:
  1. The BDRSuite Delegation Service on the endpoint is not running.
  2. The designated port (42005) on the endpoint is not listening.
  3. Incorrect Server IP/DNS Name configuration in the endpoint's `ephost.conf` file.
  4. Network connectivity issues between the BDR server and the endpoint.
  5. Improper reinstallation of the BDRSuite Delegation Service without removing previous service entries.
  6. Insufficient user account privileges for running the BDRSuite Delegation Service.


1. Check BDRSuite Delegation Service 

  1. Open 'Services.msc' on the endpoint machine.
  2. Ensure that the 'BDRSuite Delegation Service' is running. Start the service if it is not running.

2. Verify Port Listening State

  1. For Windows Server and Endpoint: : Open Command Prompt and run:
netstat -an | find "42005"
  1. For Linux Server and Endpoint: Open a terminal and execute:
 netstat -an | grep "42005"

3. Check Server IP/DNS Name in Endpoint Configuration  

  1. Verify the Server IP or DNS Name in the `ephost.conf` file on the endpoint:
  1. File Location: `C:\Program Files\Vembu\VembuIntegrationService\conf\ephost.conf`
  1. If incorrect, update the configuration.

4. Ensure Network Connectivity between Server and Endpoint

For Windows Server and Endpoint: Test network connectivity using PowerShell:
Test-NetConnection -ComputerName ServerIP/DNS Name -Port 32004
Example: `Test-NetConnection -ComputerName X.X.X.X -Port 32004`
For Linux Server and Endpoint: Test network connectivity using following commands
telnet <ServerIP/DNS Name> 32004
nc -zv <ServerIP/DNS Name> 32004
Note: The Network connectivity check has to be performed in the endpoint agent machine
If the connection fails:
    1. Ensure outbound rules on the BDRSuite backup server's firewall allow traffic on port 42005.
    2. Ensure inbound rules on the endpoint's firewall allow traffic on port 32004.

5. BDRSuite Delegation Service Reinstallation

  1. If the endpoint service was uninstalled, then remove its entries from the BDR server ("Datasources -> Servers & Endpoints") before reinstalling the same agent.

6. Verify User Account Privileges  

  1. Ensure that the BDRSuite Delegation Service runs with the correct user account privileges.


By systematically checking and addressing the potential causes, you can resolve the issue of the endpoint agent showing a disconnected status in the BDRSuite console. Ensuring proper service operation, correct configurations, and network connectivity will restore communication between the endpoint and the BDRSuite Backup server.

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