Steps for Adding oVirt Host Data source through Manual Agent Installation

Steps for Adding oVirt Host Data source through Manual Agent Installation

KB ID: 115229


This article provides detailed instructions to manually install the BDS agent on an oVirt host, enabling integration with the BDRSuite Backup Server for effective backup management of oVirt virtual machines. Ensuring each step is followed correctly will help establish a reliable connection and configuration between the oVirt environment and the backup server.

Supported Versions

  1. oVirt 4.5.0 and above

System Requirements

  1. Memory: Minimum 2 GB
  2. CPU: Minimum Dual-Core Processor
  3. Operating System: CentOS 8 and above, Red Hat 8 and above

How to Video

Watch the following video on how to add a oVirt host to BDRSuite backup server with manual Installation of BDS Agent


Before beginning, verify that all system requirements are met and have access to the BDS agent package.

Step 1: Access the oVirt Host

Access the oVirt host machine via the terminal.

Step 2: Manually Install the Agent

1. Download the appropriate BDRSuite Delegation Service (BDS) version for the host OS from the backup server console.
2. Execute the Installation Command
  1. Run the appropriate command to initiate the agent installation on the oVirt host machine.
  2. Follow the installation prompts and accept the License Agreement.

Step 3: Configure Backup Options

Select the oVirt Backup and File-Level Backup options.

Step 4: Provide oVirt Engine Web Console Login Details

1. Enter the oVirt Engine Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN):
Example: ``
2. Enter the oVirt Engine Credentials:
  1. Username: Provide the username along with its domain details (e.g., `username@domain`).
  2. Password: Provide the respective password.

Note: Ensure you can log in to the oVirt Engine web console with these credentials.
3. Click "Next" and enter the BDR Server IP.

4. Enter the Backup Port details: This option allows you to specify the ports used for backing up virtual machines, which are exposed via the NBD protocol. You can define ports either individually or as a range, for example, 3265, 3500-3800, 73000, or 33400-33490.We were unable to process some of the images.

Step 5: Finalize the Installation

1. Click "Finish."
2. The BDS Agent will be added to the BDR server, and the oVirt host will be listed in the BDR server console under:
Data Sources >> Hypervisors >> oVirt

Step 6: Configure the Backup

1. Navigate to the Backup tab.
2. Select Configure Backup.
3. Choose Virtual Machines.
4. Select oVirt.
5. Enter the backup details and click "Next."
6. The oVirt hosts you added will be listed. Select the VMs and configure their backups.

By meeting these prerequisites, you can automatically add a KVM host to the BDRSuite Backup Server, enabling efficient backup management for KVM virtual environments.
