1. User Account with Root Privileges:
- Ensure the user account specified to add the oVirt Host has root privileges. If using a non-root account, provide the root password.
2. User Account Credentials:
- Linux Account Option:
- Connect to the Linux machine directly using the Username and Password of the specified user account.
- Linux Private Key Option:
- Connect to the Linux machine using the Identity/Pubkey authentication method.
- If you already have a public-private key pair, provide the Username, Private key, and Passphrase (if applicable), and save the Linux credentials. Otherwise, follow these steps to generate the key pair:
Generating Public-Private Key Pair:1. Generate a pair of keys using the command:ssh-keygen -t rsa2. Specify the location and file name in the format .ppk or .pem to save the key. For example:/home/key.ppk3. Enter a passphrase or leave it empty. The private key is protected with a passphrase.4. The private key (.ppk) and public key (.pub) will be saved to the specified location and file:Your identification has been saved in /home/key.ppkYour public key has been saved in /home/key.ppk.pub5. Change the file permissions of the private and public keys using the command:chmod 755 /home/key.ppkchmod 755 /home/key.ppk.pub6. On the target oVirt Host, add the public key to the `authorized_keys` file using the command:ssh-copy-id -i /home/key.ppk.pub <username>@<Host IP Address>Example:7. Copy the private key file to the backup server using any FTP tool. You now have the public key on the oVirt Host and the private key on the backup server.3. oVirt Engine FQDN:
- Enter the oVirt Engine Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN).
Example: `engine.example.com`4. oVirt Engine Credentials:
- Username: Provide the username along with its domain details. Example: `username@domain`
- Password: Provide the respective password.
Note: You must be able to log in to the oVirt Engine web console with these credentials.5. Ports:
- Ensure the SSH port is open to allow remote access to the machine. The default SSH port is 22. If the SSH server runs on a different port, ensure the port is accessible.
- BBA installed on the oVirt Host uses port 42005 to communicate with the Backup Server. Ensure your firewall rules allow port 42005 to be open for communication.