BDRCloud - Bulk Installation of Backup Agents using Third Party Tools (Silent Installation)

BDRCloud - Bulk Installation of Backup Agents using Third Party Tools (Silent Installation)

KB ID: 115221


This Knowledge Base article provides instructions for the bulk deployment of the BDRCloud Backup Agent on multiple hosts simultaneously using third-party tools. Follow the commands below according to your backup type and the operating system.

Windows Deployment:

1. File Backup [Windows]:

   Use the following command for the silent installation of the BDRCloud agent for file backup on Windows systems:
   BDRCloudExeBuild\BDRCloud_Delegation_Service.exe /qn

2. Disk Image Backup [Windows]:

   To enable disk image backup and force a reboot after installation, use the following command:
   BDRCloud_Delegation_Service.exe /qn IMAGEBACKUPENABLED="1" INSTALLDRIVER="Yes" REBOOT="Force"

Linux Deployment:

1. File Backup [Debian & RedHat]:

   Use the following command for file backup on Debian and RedHat Linux systems:
   sudo sh

Mac Deployment:

1. File Backup [ARM Mac]:

   Use the following command for the installation on ARM-based Mac systems:
   sudo sh BDRCloud_Delegation_Service_7_1_0_0_IMac_arm64.bin

2. File Backup [Intel Mac]:

   Use the following command for Intel-based Mac systems:
   sudo sh BDRCloud_Delegation_Service_7_1_0_0_IMac_x86_64.bin

  1. These commands are for use with third-party deployment tools to automate bulk installations on multiple hosts.
  2. Ensure you replace any placeholder values like `"Enter Backup Server IP Address/DNS Name"` with the actual IP or DNS of your backup server.
  3. For Windows installations, include `"REBOOT=Force"` to automatically restart the system after installation if required.

For any further assistance or inquiries, please contact our support team at