BDRSuite/ BDRCloud - Bulk Installation of Backup Agents - Group Policy Object (GPO) Deployment:

BDRSuite/ BDRCloud - Bulk Installation of Backup Agents - Group Policy Object (GPO) Deployment:

KB ID: 115216


This guide provides step-by-step instructions for deploying the BDRSuite Delegation Service or BDRCloud Backup Agent to multiple endpoints using Group Policy Objects (GPO). It includes the process for generating MST files using the Orca tool, configuring GPOs for MSI deployment, and confirming successful installation.

Steps to Add Windows Machine through Bulk Agent Deployment in BDRSuite

Deployment using MSI Transform File (MST file) using Orca

Generate an MST using the Orca tool.
We recommend using Orca to create the required transform file for the BDRSuite_Delegation_Service_7_0_1_0.msi for AD Group Policy Deployment. Click here to download the installer for Orca, After installing the Windows 10 SDK, find and run Orca.msi to install Orca.
  1. Open Orca.
  2. Go to the "File" menu and select "Open."
  3. Find and select the downloaded BDRSuite_Delegation_Service_X_X_X_X.msi file.
  4. Choose "Transform" from the menu and then opt for "New Transform."
  5. In the Tables pane on the left, scroll down and choose Property.
  6. In the right pane, create a new property "BACKUPSERVERINFO" & Enter your BDR Server IP Address/DNS Name in value.

Be cautious, as entering an incorrect property (or) values may result in a failure during the agent registration process. If you are uncertain or require assistance, kindly seek help from our Support team.
  1. Choose "Transform" from the menu, and then select "Generate Transform."
  2.  Enter a file name, such as "BDRSuite_Delegation_Service_X_X_X_X," and click on Save. Save this file in the same network share location as the BDRSuiteAgent.msi, for instance, \\ServerName\Shared.
NotesNotes: Other optional installation parameters can be added to the Transform. Add the Property name and value for each desired parameter (e.g. Property Name: INSTALLDRIVER ; Value: Yes)

Other property value available for customization is as follows

Disk Image Backup


1 - enable,
0 - disable

Yes - Proceed Driver Installation
No - Install Driver later

"Force" [ Reboot required case alone ]
MS SQL Server Backup
1 - enable,
0 - disable
MySQL Backup

For Port Customization : MYSQLPORT=""
1 - enable,
0 - disable
PSQL Backup

For Port Customization : PSQLPORT=""
1 - enable,
0 - disable
Backup Proxy
1 - enable,
0 - disable

Deploying the downloaded MSI and MST into the AD GPO

Create a Group Policy Object  

  1. Access Group Policy Management on one of your Active Directory domain controllers.
  2. Expand the domain object, right-click the Group Policy Objects folder, and choose "New."
  1. Provide a name, such as "BDRSuite_Delegation_Deployment," and click OK.
  1. Right-click on the newly created policy and choose "Edit."
  2. Under the "Computer Configuration", expand the Policies folder, and subsequently, the Software Settings folder.
  3. Choose the Software Installation folder.
  4. In the right pane, right-click and choose New > Package.
  1. In the Open dialog box, go to the network share (e.g., \ServerName\Shared), select the BDRSuite_Delegation_Service_X_X_X_X.msi file, and then click Open.
  2. In the Deploy Software window, choose Advanced, and then click OK.
  3. Navigate to the Deployment tab, and then mark the checkbox next to "Uninstall this application when it falls out of the scope of management."
  1. Click on the Advanced button, and then check the box next to "Ignore language when deploying this package." Afterwards, select OK.
  2. Navigate to the Modifications tab, and then click the Add button.
  3. Find and choose the MSI Transform file (MST file) from the network folder (e.g., \\Server\Share), and then click Open. If you have not created the MST file yet, please follow the steps under Deployment using MSI Transform File (MST file) using Orca for MST file creation.
  4. Click the OK button to close the Properties window.
  5. Close the Group Policy Object editor.

Assign the GPO to  Specific group's

  1. Access Group Policy Management on one of your Active Directory domain controllers.
  2. Go to the Organizational Unit (OU) that contains the computers to which you want to deploy BDRSuite_Delegation_Service_X_X_X_X.msi.
  3. Right-click the required OU [exampled DeveloperComp->Computers], and then choose "Link an Existing GPO..."

  1. Choose the previously created Group Policy Object "BDRSuite_Delegation_Deployment", and then click OK.

Testing the Configuration  

  1. Log in to a computer that is part of the Organizational Unit (OU) where the linked Group Policy Object is applied.
  2. Right-click the Start Button and choose "Run."
  3. Type "cmd" and press Enter.
  4. Hold down the Ctrl+Shift keys and click OK to run the application as an administrator.
Note: If prompted for a password, enter administrator credentials to elevate permissions.
  1. At the command prompt, type "gpupdate /force" and press Enter.
  2. Type "Y" and press Enter to confirm and restart the device.
  3. After the restart, log in to the machine again.
  4. To confirm that BDRSuite_Delegation_Service was installed, follow these steps:
  1. Click on the Start Button, and then choose "Settings."
  2. Type "apps" in the "Find a setting" search box.
  3. Select "Add or remove programs."
  4. Search for or locate "BDRSuite_Delegation_Service" in the list.
  1. BDRSuite_Delegation_Service should also be running in the system tray. Right-click the Tray icon, and select "Status..." to confirm.

Configure Backup

  • Once the backup agent installation is successful, the agent will automatically establish connection and register the host with the backup server. You will see the host details, including the Name, IP Address/DNS Name and Agent Status - Active.
  • Once the host is successfully listed under the Data Sources menu, you can configure backups from the 'Backup -> Configure Backup' menu.

Steps to Add Windows Machine through Bulk Agent Deployment in BDRCloud

Downloading BDRCloud Backup Agent

Before proceeding with the Bulk Agent installation method, ensure you logged in to the BDRCloud Backup Server. Navigate to Datasources -> Servers and Endpoints -> Add Host -> Windows -> Bulk Agent Installation and download the exe installer. Make sure the downloaded file is accessible in a shareable folder with full privileges.

Bulk Deployment using AD/GPO

Deployment Using Batch/PowerShell Script
1. Create a Batch script file (a PowerShell script can also be used).
   Example Script for deploying MSI through GPO with customized user inputs:
 @echo off
set folder="C:\Program Files\BDRCloud\BDRCloudDelegationService"
if not exist %folder% ( 
    start "" "\\\C\BDRCloudExeBuild\BDRCloud_Delegation_Service.exe" /qn 
exit /b
Customizable Property Values:
  1. Disk Image Backup: `IMAGEBACKUPENABLED`
  2. Install Driver: `INSTALLDRIVER`
    1.   Yes - Proceed with Driver Installation
    2.   No - Install Driver later
  3. Reboot: `REBOOT`
    1.   `1` - Enable
    2.   `0` - Disable
    3.   `"Force"` - Required if a reboot is needed
To customize for Disk Image, modify the batch script as follows:
start "" "\\\C\BDRCloudExeBuild\BDRCloud_Delegation_Service.exe" /qn IMAGEBACKUPENABLED="1" INSTALLDRIVER="Yes" REBOOT="Force"

Deploying the Batch file through AD GPO:

1. Access Group Policy Management*on one of your Active Directory domain controllers.
2. Expand the domain object, right-click the Group Policy Objects folder, and choose New.
3. Provide a name like "BDRCloud_Delegation_Deployment" and click OK.
4. Right-click on the newly created policy and choose Edit.
5. Under Computer Configuration, expand Policies -> Windows Settings -> Scripts (Startup/Shutdown).
6. On the right side, double-click on Startup.
7. Proceed with Scripts for using a batch file (or select PowerShell Scripts if using a PowerShell file), then click Add and Browse.
8. When the browser window opens, copy and paste the `.bat` file. Do not alter the path, as it corresponds to the GPO path, and the script must be copied to this specific location.
9. Click OK twice to return to the main screen, confirming the GPO configuration.

Assigning the GPO to Specific Groups

1. Access Group Policy Management on one of your Active Directory domain controllers.
2. Go to the Organizational Unit (OU) containing the computers where you want to deploy the BDRCloud_Delegation_Service_X_X_X_X.exe.
3. Right-click the required OU (e.g., DeveloperComp -> Computers), and choose Link an Existing GPO....
4. Choose the previously created Group Policy Object "BDRCloud_Delegation_Deployment" and click OK.
5. Perform a group policy update for the Organizational Unit: **DeveloperComp -> Computers -> Group Policy Update**.
  1. Click Yes on the 'Force Group Policy Update' prompt window.
  2. Alternatively, update the group policy in the AD Machine using the following command:
     gpupdate /force

Testing the Configuration

1. Reboot the computer in the Organizational Unit (OU) where the linked Group Policy Object is applied.
2. Since the software installs silently, users won’t see any prompts during login. The installation occurs in the background without requiring any user interaction.
3. To confirm the installation of BDRCloud_Delegation_Service:
  1. Click on the Start button and choose Settings.
  2. Type apps in the "Find a setting" search box.
  3. Select Add or remove programs.
  4. Search for or locate BDRCloud_Delegation_Service in the list.
4. The BDRCloud_Delegation_Service should also be running in the system tray. Right-click the Tray icon and select Status... to confirm.

Configure Backup

  • Backup agents will automatically establish a connection to the BDRCloud Server and appear on the BDRCloud server's Datasource page.
  • Once the host is successfully listed, you can configure backups from the 'Backup -> Configure Backup' menu.