Prerequisites to Add Servers & Endpoints (Windows, Linux, Mac) on the BDRCloud Server using the Manual Agent Installation method

Prerequisites to Add Servers & Endpoints (Windows, Linux, Mac) on the BDRCloud Server using the Manual Agent Installation method

KB ID: 115209

BDRCloud Backup Agent (BBA) runs with the service name - BDRSuite Delegation Service (BDS) is a mandatory component for backup operations and is installed on the backup host (Windows/Linux/Mac).
Steps to Add Windows Host on the BDRCloud Server
Step 1: Download BDRCloud Backup Agent (BBA)
Download BDRCloud Backup Agent (BBA) for Windows from the BDRCloud Server console.
Step 2: BDRCloud Backup Agent (BBA) Installation on Individual Backup Hosts
  1. Run BBA setup file on the backup host and follow the on-screen instructions to proceed with the installation. When you initiate the setup, the files will be extracted to BDRCloud Delegation Service folder.
  2. During the installation, you will be prompted to enter the following information:
    1. Display Name: Enter a name to identify the host in the BDRCloud Server.
    2. Choose Backup Type and Reboot Option: Choose the appropriate backup type and reboot option from the following choices based on your preferences:
  1. No disk image backup required for this host. (Note: You can use this installation for Files/Folders Backup)
  2. Disk image backup required for this host. Automatically reboot the host immediately. Note: The changed block tracking (CBT) driver for disk image backup will be installed and the host will reboot immediately after installation
  3. Disk image backup required for this host. I will manually reboot the host later. (Note: The changed block tracking  (CBT) driver for disk image backup will be installed and disk image backups will only be successful  after a manual reboot)
  1. Complete the installation process by providing the necessary information.
  2. Once the installation is successful, the agent will automatically establish connection and register the host with the BDRCloud Server.
  3. To verify the installation and connection, go to the Data Sources menu on the BDRCloud server. You will see the host details, including the display name, Hostname/IP address and connection status.
Step 3: Configure Backup
Once the host is successfully listed under the Data Sources menu, you can configure backups from the 'Backup -> Configure Backup -> Microsoft Windows' menu.
Steps to Add Linux host on the BDRCloud Server
Step 1: Download BDRCloud Backup Agent (BBA)
  1. Download BDRCloud Backup Agent (BBA) for Linux from the BDRCloud Server console.
  2. Unzip the package: Execute the below command:
  1. The files will be extracted to BDRCloudDelegationService folder. Then, navigate to BDRCloudDelegationService folder using the below command:
cd BDRCloudDelegationService/
Step 2: BDRCloud Backup Agent (BBA) Installation on Individual Backup Hosts
  1. Install BBA on the target host using the command below and follow the on-screen instructions to proceed with the installation.
sudo sh
  1. During the installation, you will be prompted to enter the following information:
Display Name: Enter a name to identify the host in the BDRCloud Server.
  1. Complete the installation process by providing the necessary information.
  2. Once the installation is successful, the agent will automatically establish connection and register the host with the BDRCloud Server.
  3. To verify the installation and connection, go to the Data Sources menu on the BDRCloud server. You will see the host details, including the display name, Hostname/IP address and connection status.
Step 3: Configure Backup
  1. Once the host is successfully listed under the Data Sources menu, you can configure backups from the 'Backup -> Configure Backup -> Add Linux' menu.
Steps to Add Mac through Manual Agent Installation
Step 1: Download BDRCloud Backup Agent (BBA)
Download BDRCloud Backup Agent (BBA) for Mac from the BDRCloud Server console.
 ARM Mac:
  1. Unzip package using the command below and the files will be extracted to the folder: BDRCloud_Delegation_Service_IMac_arm64.
  1. Navigate to the extracted folder using the command below to proceed with the BBA installation
cd BDRCloud_Delegation_Service_IMac_arm64
 Mac X86_X64:
  1. Unzip package using the command below and the files will be extracted to the folder: BDRCloud_Delegation_Service_IMac_x86_64
  1. Navigate to the extracted folder using the command below to proceed with the BBA installation
cd BDRCloud_Delegation_Service_IMac_x86_64
Step 2: BDRCloud Backup Agent (BBA) Installation on Individual Backup Hosts
Execute the command below to install BBA on the backup host:
Mac ARM:
sudo sh BDRCloud_Delegation_Service_5_6_0_2_U2_IMac_arm64.bin
Mac X86_X64:
sudo sh BDRCloud_Delegation_Service_5_6_0_2_U2_IMac_x86_64.bin
  1. Once the installation is successful, the agent will automatically establish connection and register the host with the BDRCloud Server.
  2. To verify the installation and connection, go to the Data Sources menu on the BDRCloud server. You will see the host details, including the display name, Hostname/IP address and connection status.
Step 3: Configure Backup
Once the host is successfully listed under the Data Sources menu, you can configure backups from the 'Backup -> Configure Backup-> Add Mac' menu.