Adding New Username and Password for BDRSuite Clients: Step-by-Step Guide

How to Add a New Username and Password for BDRSuite Clients

KB ID: 115125
By default, the username and password for the BDRSuite Client web console are set to "admin" and "admin," respectively. However, you can customize these credentials during the Client Agent installation. In case you forget the custom username or password, follow the manual steps below to create new login credentials.
Steps to Create a New Username and Password:
1. Stop the respective Vembu Client Agent application from Services.msc.
2. Open the command prompt and navigate to the BDRSuite Client installation location (<vembuclientagent_home>).
Example: `C:\Program Files\Vembu\VembuVMBackup`
3. Access the client agent database using the following command:
`<Vembuclientagent_Home>lib\sqlite\sqlite3.exe data\sgclient.db`

4. Insert an additional user into the database using the following query:
insert into SG_USER values (10, 1, 'vembu', '21232f297a57a5a743894a0e4a801fc3');
  1. Replace "vembu" with your preferred username.
  2. '21232f297a57a5a743894a0e4a801fc3' is the encrypted password (the value here represents the hardcoded password "admin").
Note: Ensure that the first parameter ('10') and the third parameter ('vembu') in the above command are unique. If a record with the same values already exists in the sg_user table, you will receive a 'Duplicate entry ...' error. Before executing the command, check for existing records with the same values using the command `select * from SG_USER;` and specify different values if needed.
5. After inserting an additional user into the SG_USER table, update the 'SGGROUP_USER' table by executing the following query:
insert into SG_GROUP_USER values (10, 1, 1, 1);
The first parameter ('10') should match the value specified in the SG_USER table, and the other three parameters should remain as '1' by default.
6. Start the BDRSuite Client service from Services.msc.
7. Access the BDRSuite Client web console using the username "vembu" and password "admin."
8. After logging in, you can change the password to your desired value by navigating to Settings -> Users.