Follow these steps to change the location of the Data storage location of the BDRSuite client:
Step 1: Stop BDRSuiteClient Service from "Services.msc"
Step 2: Open the Vembu NetworkBackup SGConfiguration file from the following location:
Step 3: Edit the BDRSuite Client DB Storage location by changing the `<vembunetworkbackup><configuration><dbstoragelocation>` tag, "Path" attribute value to some other location with sufficient disk space (e.g., "D:\VembuNetworkBackup\") and save the configuration file.
Step 4: Create a data folder in the new location (e.g., D:\VembuNetworkBackup\data).
Step 5: Move the "\data.db." files and the `<backup name="">` sub-folders present in the `<old db="" location="">\data\` folder to the `data\` folder under the new DBStorage location (i.e., "D:\VembuNetworkBackup\data").
Step 6: Start BDRSuite Client Service from "Services.msc."