Backup data migration failed from MySQL/MongoDB to PostgreSQL

Backup data migration failed from MySQL/MongoDB to PostgreSQL

KB ID: 115093  
Backup data migration encountered failure when migrating from MySQL/MongoDB to PostgreSQL. The error message "Migration Failed" may arise due to the following reasons:
  1. MySQL/MongoDB/PostgreSQL service stopped during the migration process.
  2. Incorrect values in <installation_location>/conf/SGMigration.conf, preventing proper database connection.
  3. Deletion of <dump_location>/Migrate.xml.
To successfully complete the backup data migration, follow the steps corresponding to the specific scenario:
For general migration failures (all backups):
1. Stop the VembuBDR service.
2. Ensure MySQL/MongoDB/PostgreSQL services are running.
3. Verify credentials in the <Installation_location>/conf/SGMigration.conf file, specifically in the SourceDB (MySQL) and DestinationDB (PostgreSQL) tags. Ensure passwords are in base64 encoded format.
4. Restart the VembuBDR service.
For a specific backup migration failure:
1. Check and start MySQL/MongoDB/PostgreSQL services if not running.
2. Open the command prompt from <Installation_location> and run the command:  
   `bin\<Product_Name> MigrateFailedBackup <Client_Name> <Backup_Name>`

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