How to Update MAC Information After Changing Your Machine's MAC Address

Steps to Update MAC Information After Changing Machine's MAC Address

KB ID: 115085
If you've recently changed the MAC address of your machine and encounter difficulties logging into the web console of BDRSuite Client, follow these steps to update the MAC information.
1. Open Services: Press Win + R to open the Run dialog box. Type services.msc and press Enter.
2. Locate BDRSuite Client Service: In the Services window, locate the relevant BDRSuite client service for your product.
3. Stop the Service: Right-click on the BDRSuite client service and select Stop from the context menu. This will temporarily halt the service.
4. Navigate to Installation Directory: Open the installation directory of your BDRSuite Client software. 
5. Access the 'Conf' Folder: Within the installation directory, locate and open the 'Conf' folder.
6. Delete 'macInfo.dtls': Inside the 'Conf' folder, find the file named macInfo.dtls and delete it.
7. Start BDRSuite Client Service: Return to the Services window and right-click on the BDRSuite client service again, but this time, select Start from the context menu to restart the service.
8. Log In: After restarting the BDRSuite client service, attempt to log in to the BDRSuite client web console for successful verification.
By following these steps, you can ensure that your BDRSuite client's MAC information is updated correctly after changing the machine's MAC address. This should resolve any login issues you were facing.