1. Stop BDRSuite Service:
Stop the BDRSuite service from the Windows Services panel (`services.msc`).
2. Access PostgreSQL:
Open a command prompt as an administrator and log in to PostgreSQL using the following command from 'C:\Program Files\Vembu\PostgreSQL\13\bin' location
You will be prompted to enter a password. Use the default password "admin" for PostgreSQL.
3. Connect to the Database:
Access the "SGDatabase" by typing the following command:
\c SGDatabase
4. Insert New User:
Insert a new user into the database using the following query:
insert into SG_USER values (10, 1, 'vembu', '21232f297a57a5a743894a0e4a801fc3');
The parameters in the query represent: user_id, role_id, user_name, and password, respectively.
- You can replace 'vembu' with your preferred username.
- The encrypted password 'admin' (21232f297a57a5a743894a0e4a801fc3) can be replaced with a custom password that has been encrypted using md5 encryption.
5. Update SG_GROUP_USER:
If you've inserted an additional user in the SG_USER table, update the SG_GROUP_USER table with the following query:
insert into SG_GROUP_USER values (10, 1, 1, 1);
- The first parameter ('10') should match the user_id you specified in the SG_USER table.
- The other three parameters should be set as '1' by default.
6. Start BDRSuite/OffsiteDR Application:
Start the BDRSuite/OffsiteDR application.
7. Log In with New Credentials:
You can now log in to the BDRSuite web console using the username "vembu" and the password you specified.
8. Change Password:
After logging in, navigate to "Management" and then "User Management" to change the password to your desired value.
- Ensure that the user_id and user_name you add are unique. Duplicate entries will result in an error message.
- The provided example uses the default password "admin." You can replace it with a custom password as needed.