Troubleshooting: AppAware Folder Creation Failed Inside the Guest Machine in BDRsuite
KB ID: 115076
During the operation of BDRSuite, an issue may arise when the BDRSuite application attempts to create the AppAware folder inside a guest VM running Windows. This folder is essential as it contains executables and DLL files required for the ApplicationAware process within the guest VM. However, the issue results in the "Appaware Folder creation failed inside the guest machine" error.
The "Appaware Folder creation failed inside the guest machine" error can be attributed to the following factors:
- User credentials provided during the AppAware configuration are not those of an administrator user.
- The Windows folder within the guest VM does not have sufficient permissions.
To resolve this issue, follow these steps:
1. Use Administrator User:
Ensure that the user credentials provided during the AppAware configuration are those of an administrator user with appropriate permissions.
2. Adjust Folder Permissions:
- Verify the permissions on the Windows folder within the guest VM.
- If the permissions are insufficient, grant full control to the Windows folder to allow Vembu BDR to create the necessary AppAware folder.
By following these steps, you can address the "Appaware Folder creation failed inside the guest machine" error and enable the successful creation of the AppAware folder within the guest VM for the ApplicationAware process in BDRSuite.
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