Modifying ESXi Hostname/IP for VMware Backup and Replication in BDRSuite

Modifying ESXi Hostname/IP for VMware Backup and Replication in BDRSuite

KB ID: 115059
When a user changes the ESXi hostname or IP after configuring it in Vembu BDR, there is no direct option in the Vembu BDR console to reflect this change.
To update the ESXi hostname/IP, users must manually modify the database values. Follow the steps below to adjust the ESXi hostname/IP in the VMBackup client and Vembu BDR server:
BDRSuite Client:
1. Stop the VMBackup client.
2. Open the command prompt and navigate to the VMBackup client installation location using the `cd` command. The default installation location is:<OS Installation Drive>\Program Files\Vembu\VembuVMBackup
3. Run the following command to start SQLite:
Lib\sqlite\sqlite3.exe data\
4. Use the following query to update the ESXi hostname/IP:
update VMWARE_SERVER_LIST set HOST_MACHINE_NAME = "New_Host_Name/IP" where HOST_MACHINE_NAME = "Old_Host_Name/IP";
5. Start the VMBackup client.
Vembu BDR Server:
1. Stop the Vembu BDR server.
2. Open PostgreSQL using the command prompt and type the following command:
psql -Upostgres -p 32010
You will be prompted to enter a password; provide it (the default password is "admin").
3. Connect to SGDatabase using the following command:
\c SGDatabase
4. Update the ESXi hostname/IP using the query:
update VMWARE_SERVER_LIST set SERVER_IP='New_Host_Name/IP' where SERVER_IP='Old_Host_Name/IP';
 5. Start the Vembu BDR server.

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