Performing File Level Recovery from Image Backups in BDRSuite

Performing File Level Recovery from Image Backups in BDRSuite

KB ID: 115023
The need to recover specific file(s) and folder(s) from image backups in BDRSuite without restoring the entire disk(s).
To restore specific file(s)/folder(s) from image backups in BDRSuite without the necessity of restoring the entire disk(s), the "File Level Recovery" option can be utilized. This involves attaching the backup disk(s) to the Disk Management and copying the required files or folders from the attached volume.
Follow these steps to perform File Level Recovery from BDRSuite:
1. Login to the BDRSuite web console and navigate to Recovery -> Restore (for the particular backup) -> File Level Recovery and click the "Next" button to proceed.

2. Select the required restore version from the available timestamp and proceed by clicking the "Next" button.

3. Choose the disk(s) you want to restore from the given backup and proceed with the "Next" button.

4. Review the Restore Configuration and click the "Next" button to proceed.
5. The File Level Recovery operation will be completed.

6. The restored disk(s) will be attached to the Disk Management.
Now, you can access your required files and folders using Windows Explorer.

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