Uninstalling Vembu BDR from Backup Server Machine

Uninstalling Vembu BDR from Backup Server Machine

KB ID: 115020
To perform a complete uninstallation of Vembu BDR from the backup server machine.
Steps to Uninstall Vembu BDR from the Linux Backup Server Machine:
1. Drop sharded databases on MySQL and MongoDB. Execute the following command:
cd "Installation_Location" && ./bin/VembuBDR DropShardedDatabases
2. Drop the main database of MySQL. Use the command:
DROP DATABASE database_name
To find the main database name, check the "SGConfiguration.conf" file under "Installation_Location/conf/." Locate the attribute named DatabaseName.
3. Remove MySQL ODBC components using the online installer:
sh VembuBDRSimpleOnline_Installer.sh remove
4. Stop MongoDB by running:
/etc/init.d/mongo stop
5. Remove the MongoDB folder in /opt.
6. Uninstall VembuBDR by running uninstall.sh from the installation location: </home/vembubdr/Vembu/VembuBDR>
7. Delete the "sgstorage" folder in the backup storage location and the "installation folder" in the installation location.
8. Restart the backup server.
Steps to Uninstall Vembu BDR from the Windows Backup Server Machine:
1. Drop sharded databases on MySQL and MongoDB. Execute the following commands in the command prompt:
cd "Installation_Location" && "bin\VembuBDR.exe DropShardedDatabases"
2. Drop the main database of MySQL. Use the command:
DROP DATABASE database_name
To find the main database name, check the "SGConfiguration.conf" file under "<installation_location>/conf/." Locate the attribute named DatabaseName.
3. Remove both 64-bit and 32-bit MySQL ODBC Connectors by running the uninstall.bat file. Execute the following commands:
c:>cd “C:\Program Files\MySQL ODBC Connector 5.2\mysql-connector-odbc-noinstall- 5.2.4-win32”
C:\Program Files\MySQL ODBC Connector 5.2\mysql-connector-odbc-noinstall-5.2.4-w in32>Uninstall.bat
C:>cd C:\Program Files\MySQL ODBC Connector 5.2\mysql-connector-odbc-noinstall- 5.2.4-winx64
C:\Program Files\MySQL ODBC Connector 5.2\mysql-connector-odbc-noinstall-5.2.4-w inx64>Uninstall.bat
4. For MongoDB, run the "Uninstallmongo" file from the following location:
C:\ >cd "C:\Program Files\MongoDB\mongoDB 2.4.5\mongoDB”
C:\Program Files\MongoDB\mongoDB 2.4.5\mongoDB> Uninstallmongo.bat"
5. Uninstall MySQL and VembuBDR from Control Panel > Programs and Features.
6. Delete the "sgstorage" folder in the backup storage location and the "installation folder" in the installation location.
7. Restart the backup server.