Prevent Storage Repository Overfill: Modifying Threshold Value for BDRSuite

Modifying Threshold Value for BDRSuite Storage Repository to Prevent Filling Up

KB ID: 115017
To ensure successful backups in BDRSuite, the storage repository must maintain a minimum of 4GB of free space. If the available free space in the selected storage location falls below 4GB, backups will fail, accompanied by the error message "No space left in the storage location."
To address this issue and prevent storage repository from filling up, follow these steps to add additional storage space:
Steps to Add New Storage Location:
1. Open the BDRSuite server console.
2. Navigate to "Management" and select "Storage Management."
3. In the "Storage Management" section, you will find a list of available Storage Volumes on the backup server machine.
4. Choose the repository you wish to modify by clicking the "Edit" option available in the Storage Management page. Select the desired repository.
5. Click "UPDATE" to complete the process of adding a new storage volume to the selected repository.
Additionally, you have the option to add a network drive by following these steps:
1. Go to "Management" and select "Storage Management."
2. Choose "Add Network drive" to include an external drive location from another machine and access it.
Note: The "Add Network drive" option is exclusive to Windows OS. For Linux, you need to mount a hard drive to expand storage space.
Once you've updated the Storage Repository with additional storage space, manually run the backup schedule and verify the backup results to ensure successful operations.
By modifying the threshold value and adding more storage, you can avoid backup failures due to insufficient free space in the storage repository.