Incomplete Backup due to Missing Server Acknowledgement

Incomplete Backup due to Missing Server Acknowledgement

KB ID: 115013
This error may arise during the configuration of backups from the client side under the following circumstances:
The reported error occurs due to network-related issues such as a network drop, improper network connectivity, or network timeouts between the client and server.
To address this issue, it is recommended to adjust specific attributes in the SGConfiguration file, which is present in both the client and server machines.
Client Side:
1. Change the attributes of (IdleSocketTimeOutInterval, ClientReconnectTimeOut, ServerReconnectTimeOut, BackupAck, Authorization, FileAck) values to (18000, 600, 1800, 600, 600, 600) in the SGConfiguration file on your client machine.
2. Navigate to the SGConfiguration file location on the client machine:
'<client agent_installation="" location="">\conf\SGConfiguration.conf`
Example: `C:\Program Files\Vembu\VembuImageBackup\conf\SGConfiguration.conf`
Server Side:
1. Change the attributes of (ServerReconnectTime, KeepAliveTime, writeBuffer, FileAck, BackupAck, IdleSocket) values to (1800, 30, 100000, 600, 600, 3600) respectively in the SGConfiguration file on the backup server.
2. Navigate to the SGConfiguration file location on the server:
<bdr server_installation="" location="">\conf\SGConfiguration.conf`
Example: `C:\Program Files\Vembu\VembuBDR\conf\SGConfiguration.conf`
After Changes:
After making the above adjustments, attempt to rerun the backup job.
Note: Please ensure a stable network connection between the clients and servers. If the issue persists despite following the recommendations, kindly contact support at