Unable to Read Image File - Error: 0

Unable to Read Image File - Error: 0

KB ID: 115012
The error "Unable to read Image File, with error: 0" occurs during Hyper-V backups when virtual machines (VMs) contain ISO files.
As of the current version, Hyper-V backup for VMs with ISO files is not supported. To address this issue, follow these steps:
1. Remove ISO File:
  1. Identify the VMs in question that contain ISO files.
  2. Remove the ISO files from these VMs.
  3. Ensure that no ISO files are associated with the VMs included in the backup.
  2. Reschedule Backup:
  1. After removing the ISO files, reschedule the backup for the affected VMs.
  2. Verify whether the backup completes successfully without encountering the "Unable to read Image File" error.
Note: This limitation regarding ISO files in Hyper-V backups may be addressed in future updates, and users are advised to check for updates or release notes for any changes in supported configurations.