Troubleshooting "Error 2: The System Cannot Find the File Specified" - When Starting BDRCloud Client Service
KB ID: 115010
The BDRCloud Client service fails to start with the error message "Error 2: The system cannot find the file specified." This error may occur due to the following reasons:
1. BDRCloud Client executable file is running with limited access, which prevents the service from starting properly.
2. The system files' permissions have been tampered with, leading to the above-mentioned error.
To resolve the "Error 2: The System Cannot Find the File Specified" issue and start the BDRCloud Client service, follow these steps:
Step 1: Check VAgent.exe Permissions
Ensure that the VAgent.exe file has the necessary read permissions. If it lacks sufficient permissions, it may result in the service failure.
Step 2: Update the Logon User for BDRCloud Client
1. Open the Services control applet either through the 'Control Panel' by navigating to 'Administrative Tools' > 'Services,' or by running the "services.msc" command in the 'Start' > 'Run' tool.
2. Locate and select the BDRCloud Client service, then open its Properties dialog box.
3. In the BDRCloud Client service Properties dialog, go to the "Logon" tab.
4. Update the logon user to be an Admin user or a user with sufficient admin permissions to access.
5. After providing the admin user credentials, click 'Apply' and then 'OK' to apply the changes.
Step 3: Restart BDRCloud Client Service
Restart the BDRCloud Client service to apply the changes made to the logon user.
After following these steps, check whether the BDRCloud Client service starts successfully without the "Error 2" message. If the service starts as expected, it indicates that the issue has been resolved.