Resolving Issue - "No Databases Were Listed for Backup" in BDRSuite

Resolving Issue - "No Databases Were Listed for Backup" in BDRSuite

KB ID: 109000
BDRSuite utilizes a PowerShell script to list databases available in Exchange Server. If the execution of PowerShell scripts is disabled in the Exchange Server, BDRSuite will not be able to list the available databases during the backup process.
To resolve the issue of "No Databases Were Listed for Backup," follow these steps:
1. Open PowerShell.
2. Change the PowerShell script's execution policy from 'Restricted' to either ‘RemoteSigned’ or 'Unrestricted' by issuing the following command:
Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted
Note: This command sets the execution policy to allow the running of scripts.
3. After updating the execution policy, try listing databases again.
By changing the PowerShell script's execution policy, you enable the necessary permissions for BDRSuite to list databases during the backup process.
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