Error while Fetching Info from WMI Repositories in Hyper-V Server

Error while Fetching Info from WMI Repositories in Hyper-V Server

KB ID: 106001
Encountering an error while attempting to fetch information from WMI repositories in a Hyper-V Server may result from the WinRM service or remote PowerShell being disabled on the remote machine. This knowledge base article provides insights into the causes and offers a step-by-step solution.
This issue arises when the application faces difficulties retrieving information from a WMI namespace or class. Additionally, problems may occur if the password of the Hyper-V host contains special characters such as ‘ and “.
To resolve this issue, follow the steps below:
1. Ensure WinRM Service is Running:
  1. Open the Windows Services console by running "Services.msc."
  2. Locate the "Windows Remote Management (WS-Management)" service.
  3. If the service is disabled, enable and start it.
2. Configure Remote PowerShell:
  1. Open PowerShell on the remote host machine.
  2. Execute the command `Enable-PSRemoting` to enable Remote PowerShell.
  3. Confirm the enabling process.
  4. To verify if Remote PowerShell is enabled, use the command `Enter-PSSession` and enter your computer name or “localhost.” If it returns nothing, Remote PowerShell is enabled.
3. Use Wbemtest Utility:
  1. Open the Wbemtest application on the server.
  2. Click on Connect.
  3. In the namespace text box, enter \\{HostIP}\root\cimv2 (e.g., \\\root\cimv2).
  4. Enter the Username, Password, and click on Connect.
  5. If any errors occur, address them before attempting to push the agent again.
4. Contact BDRsuite Support:
  1. If the issue persists, contact BDRSuite Support at for further assistance.
Note: If you are trying to push the agent to the same local host, it is recommended to use "localhost" or "" as the Host name for pushing the agent.