Troubleshooting Inaccessible or Detached Source Disks/Volumes Backup Failures

Troubleshooting Backup Failures Due to Inaccessible or Detached Source Disks/Volumes

KB ID: 103000
A backup may fail if the disk or volumes configured for the backup are not accessible or detached from the source machine.
To resolve backup failures related to inaccessible or detached source disks/volumes, follow these steps:
1. Check Disk Accessibility:
  1. Verify whether the specific volume is attached to the target machine and is accessible by the operating system.
  2. Navigate to Disk Management on the target machine and confirm whether the volume is attached and recognized by the system.
  3. Alternatively, you can check using Windows Explorer to see if the disk/volume is listed as available.
2. Run Backup Schedule:
  1. After ensuring that the source disk/volume is accessible and attached to the target machine, attempt to run the backup schedule again.
  2. Monitor the progress of the backup to ensure it completes successfully.
Note: Even if a backup job is configured using a backup job template, it's essential to follow the above-mentioned solutions if you encounter a similar error related to inaccessible or detached disks/volumes. These steps help ensure that the source data is accessible and ready for backup, minimizing the risk of backup failures due to hardware or configuration issues.