Title: Troubleshooting - Error 102198: Connection Issue with BDRSuite Portal

Title: Troubleshooting - Error 102198: Connection Issue with BDRSuite Portal

This error indicates a failure in establishing a connection with the BDRSuite Portal due to an issue with the curl library initialization.
Root Cause:
The error occurs when the curl library, which relies on certain shared dynamic link libraries (DLLs), is not properly initialized. This typically happens when the required DLLs are missing or not found in the expected location.
For Windows:
1. Check the DLL Files:
Verify the presence of the following DLL files in the 'apache/bin' directory of your BDRSuite installation:
Example: 'C:/Vembu/VembuBDR/apache/bin'
  1. 'libssh2.dll`
  2. 'libssl-1_1-x64.dll`
  3. 'libcrypto-1_1-x64.dll`
2. Locate and copy the DLL Files:
  1. If the DLL files are not present in the above location, navigate to the PHP installation directory within your BDRSuite installation.
Example: `C:/Vembu/VembuBDR/php'
  1. Copy the following DLL files:
  1. `libssh2.dll`
  2. `libssl-1_1-x64.dll`
  3. `libcrypto-1_1-x64.dll`
3. Paste the DLL Files to Apache Directory:
Paste the copied DLL files into the Apache bin directory
Example: C:/Vembu/VembuBDR/apache/bin.
4. Restart Apache:
After copying the files, restart the BDRSuite Webserver to ensure the changes take effect.
After performing these steps, the BDR Server should be able to successfully register with the BDRSuite Portal without encountering the connection error.