Resolving Missed Backup Schedule Issues in BDRSuite

Missed Backup Schedule Issue in BDRSuite

KB ID: 102032
This knowledge base article addresses the issue of missed backup schedules in BDRSuite products. The article explains the causes behind missed backup schedules and provides solutions to avoid and rectify this problem.
The missed backup schedule issue can occur due to the following reasons:
1. Failure to initiate a backup job according to the expected schedule time from the client machine.
2. Backup suspension at the client's end.
3. Deletion of backups at the client's side while backups are still running on the backup server.
To address and prevent the missed backup schedule issue, follow these steps:
1. Verifying and Updating Backup Schedule:
  1. Navigate to the list of backup jobs and select the specific backup.
  2. Click on the 'Edit' button to verify the backup schedule settings. Save the backup job after making any necessary changes.
2. Manual Scheduling and Status Check:
  1. Access the client web console and manually schedule the backup job.
  2. Monitor whether the missed schedule report updates to a successful status.
3. Managing Deleted Backups:
  1. If backups are deleted at the client's end and are not required for data restoration, consider deleting them from the server side.
4. Resuming Suspended Backup Jobs:
  1. In case a backup job is suspended on the client's web console, resume the job and manually schedule it from the client console.
5. Removal of Unnecessary Backup Jobs:
  1. If a backup job has been deleted from the client and is not needed for future restoration purposes, delete the backup schedule from the backup server to eliminate missed backup reports.
Note: By following the provided solutions, users can effectively prevent and address missed backup schedule issues in BDRSuite products. These steps aim to ensure timely and successful backup operations as intended.

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